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My baking journey, my passion.
Do a search on "Aurora Borealis" and you'll get a lot of results. Let me just point you to this link, and I will quote from th...
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Wow.. this looks really delicious. I feel hungry now. I believe that you've a wonderful meal!
Hi Grace,
Yes, we had a good meal. The soy bean paste with rice is really nice! My helper can really cook! :)
Looks like a tasty meal to me! Will have to try this one!
Hi Maria,
Yes, do try. The ingredients that goes into the soy bean paste is really countless! Can try with other seafood or meat, should be good too! :) Let me know if you try.
Hi Maria,
Yes, do try. The ingredients that goes into the soy bean paste is really countless! Can try with other seafood or meat, should be good too! :) Let me know if you try.
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