Early last month, I was convinced by
loving baking about Anna's workshops. So I decided to sign up for Anna's
Simple 2-Tier Cakes Workshop on 17 May. I was happy when my registration was confirmed and paid. However, I realised that my BITC cake decoration course was also to commence in end April. Suddenly, I felt a tint of regrets to sign up for Anna's workshop. I was also thinking of getting a replacement for the course.
As the day drew nearer to the workshop, I thought to myself then that I might was well go and enjoyed it since what I've learned from BITC so far, is nothing close to what I'll be doing at Anna's. In fact, I was starting to look forward to this workshop.
The day came...And I also met
loving baking-You Fei in person. In fact, I reserved this day because I also wanted to meet her since I knew she was going for this same workshop. Very much like what You Fei has said,
Anna's class is small, a lot of hands-on and very personalised! This is the kind of classes I really like to attend. In fact, I envy Anna and admired her passion too. She experiment with recipes and created them. She learnt the "hard way", but is very willing to share.
The cake recipe she used for our 4" cake is
Orange & Cinnamon which she created herself. I really love this cake. I just love orange (or anything citrus) and to mix it with cinnamon, which is also one of my favourite spice, just left me speechless after eating!! The
cream cheese butter cream that was used to sandwich the cake and crumbcoat it was also lip-licking good! Hahaha...

We went through from the basic of baking a cake, to torting it, frosting it and using fondant to cover it and beautify them. As we were really busy doing all those steps, I didn't have the luxury of time to take pictures in between. I wish I did. Her recipe pack was also very detailed, with pictures and step by step. Not to mention also that her elder boy was also "half-entertaining" us. He was just too adorable to be ignored! The workshop lasted a whole five hours. She showed us all the possible designs or props that we can use on our fondant cake.

With her detail teaching, coaching and instructions, all of us came out with rather beautifully designed cakes! I'm very satisfied and happy with my own creation. Unfortunately or fortunately, she has temporarily stop her workshops as she will be delivering to her second prince in July. I wish you all the best Anna! Thank you for your generous sharings!