May the new year brings more happiness, joys, prosperity & bakings! My new year resolution is...to bake more food to sell and perfect my bakings!

Recipe extracted from Kevin's Chiffon Cake is Done (with my modification).
Egg yolk batter
4 egg yolks *
1/4tsp salt
60ml corn oil
2 medium sized bananas, mashed **
30g caster sugar ^
110g plain flour
1/4tsp bicarbonate of soda
Egg white foam
6 egg whites
1/2tsp cream of tartar
100g caster sugar
1. To make egg yolk batter, combine egg yolks, salt, oil, banana and sugar in a mixing bowl.
2. Fold in flour and bicarbonate of soda until forms batter.
3. To make egg white foam, beat egg whites and cream of tartar until mixture forms soft peaks.
4. Gradually add in sugar, beating at high speed until frothy and stiff peaks form.
5. Gently fold beaten egg white foams into egg yolk batter until thoroughly blended.
6. Pour batter into ungreased 9" tube pan. Bake in preheated oven at 170C (@) for 45mins or until cooked.
7. Remove from oven, invert cake onto wire rack until completely cooled.
* Original recipe uses 6 egg yolks. I used 4 because I want the cake to be really soft & fluffy. Using 6 is also good.
** Original was 170g banana puree. I suspect mine was lesser. Based on previously baking experience of this recipe, with 170g banana puree, you probably cannot fit the whole batter into a 9" pan. You might need another 3" pan.
^ Original was 50g caster sugar. I reduced to 30g as banana by itself was really sweet. You should use those very ripe bananas. They are very sweet and suitable for baking.
# 1/2tsp of banana essence and yellow colourings were added in the original recipe. I omitted these two. You can also replace the banana essence with vanilla extract. I did that sometimes. However, even if I omit the essence, the true banana taste & smell is still there. So no problem.
@ I used fan oven to bake, therefore, the temperature was set at 150C instead. If normal bake oven without fan, it should be 170C then.
This is one of the better recipe from Kevin's book. Do try it.