Recipe for Brioche Loaves, adapted from "The Art of Making Bread" 无添加剂面包 by Alex Goh.
(Makes 2 regular loaves)
Sponge dough
100g Bread flour
1/4 tsp Instant yeast
70g Cold milk
- Mix them together and knead to form a dough.
- Cover it with cling wrap and leave to ferment for an hour.
- Keep it in the refrigerator for 12-16 hours.
Main dough
380g Bread flour
120g Plain flour
10g Instant yeast
80g Caster sugar
8g Salt
180g Cold milk8g Salt
2 Cold egg yolks
1 Cold egg
240g Unsalted butter, room temperature
- Put all the ingredients, including sponge dough, except butter, in a mixing bowl. Using a dough hook, knead to form a dough.
- Add butter in 2 additions and knead till smooth and elastic. Place a cold rag around the mixing bowl to prevent the dough temperature from rising too high.
- Mould it round and palce in a bowl, cover it with cling wrap. Leave to ferment for 45mins.
- Divide the dough into 8 portions, about 160g each and mould them round. Leave it to rest for 10mins.
- Flatten the dough, then make 3 fold. Flatten lightly and roll it up like swiss roll.
- Put the 4 dough each into the rectangular regular loaf pan.
- Leave it to proof for 45mins.
- Meanwhile, heat up the oven to 190C.
- Use scissors to cut the centre and place some butter in the cut portion.
- Bake at 220C on the lowest rack for 26mins. Tent the bread after 13mins if the top turns dark.
- Remove from the loaf pan immediately after baking. Cool completely before slicing.
- Toast lightly before consuming to give it a better texture.

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