Recipe for Burger Buns, modified from Kitchen Corner.
(Makes 22 regular buns)
400g Bread flour
350g Plain flour
60g Caster sugar
11g Salt
520g Milk (adjust accordingly. Start with 496g)
10g Instant yeast
60g Unsalted butter
Some Sesame seeds
1. Knead all the ingredients, except butter, with a dough hook on slow speed for 3 mins.
2. Add butter, continue kneading for 1 min, then turn to medium speed for 8 mins. Test for window pane. Then proof for 60 mins or double the size.
3. Weigh out each dough to 62g, shape it and it rest for 10 minutes.
4. Then shape it into round and dip into sesame seeds. Then place it in a prepared pan and let it proof for another 45 minutes or double in bulk.
5. Bake in a 190C preheated oven for 16 minutes.
6. Let it cool before serving.

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