Some people just didn't believe that I've not been Taiwan. I've requested my spouse to bring me to Taipei on several occasions but he just brushed it away and said that there is nothing much in Taipei to see. >_<
So the opportunity came when I was discussing about travelling with a colleague, D. She travels to Japan, Korea and Taiwan every other year and is very familiar with these countries. So I 'bugged' her to bring me to Taipei. We started sourcing for cheap airfares, accommodation and I left the itinerary planning to her.
Finally, the long awaited day came and we left for our holiday. Yippee! However, this trip was not totally smooth sailing. Our Scoot flight to Taipei was delayed for about 1.5hours before it took off in the early morning. Then our Airbnb host was late for about 2.5hours! We were already so tired after our red-eye flight. And in the middle of the holiday, I was taken ill! Urrghh! So upsetting!
Fortunately, due to her good planning, we covered those interesting places. I had a great time trying out their foods, did some sight-seeing and did a lot of buying. Needless to say, I'll be back to Taiwan again...in the future! Thank you D!
Our Airbnb room for two. Can accomodate up to six according to the host.

Long Shan Temple

Heritage and Culture Education Centre of Taipei

Shida Night Market


Chang Kai-shek Memorial Hall

Change of guards at Chang Kai-shek Memorial Hall at every hour.

Taipei 101

At 金瓜石Jinguashi Gold Ecological Park

Jiufen (九份)

Special road box for motor vehicles

At 淡水老街 Danshui Old Street


淡水to view the beautiful sunset.

士林夜市Shilin Night Market

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