“Ladies’ Nite” 女人聚乐部 Cooking Workshop

For a couple of nights last week, I caught a glimpse of the advertisement on Channel U regarding about a Cooking Workshop for the talk-show “Ladies Nite”. I managed to send in my email just before the closing date. Immediately after I sent in, then I realised it’ll be held on 7 May, Polling Day! I wasn’t concerned about the Polling Day, but more like taking that Saturday to do revision with my children for their coming exams. Nevertheless, I thought to myself, I might not be selected anyway. So I stopped worrying, even though I was secretly hoping to be selected!
One day after the closing date, I received an email informing me that I’ve been selected to cover the Cooking Workshop! I was also allowed to bring three friends along! I was both elated and worried. I was worried if my spouse will let me go since this weekend is critical for revision. However, my worries were unfounded. In fact, I managed to persuade him to go with me too! I gave the excuse that it'll be a great Mother's Day present for me too!

One of the catch to attend the workshop for me is also the host, Michelle Chong. My children love to see her in “The Noose”. They are a great fan of her, and so are we! For me, it’s both the cooking workshop and meeting the hosts that I’m looking forward to!

On the day itself, we drove to the Polling Centre to cast our votes before going to pick up my niece. I have invited my niece and my sister to tag along. When we reached Cookyn, Inc., it was still early, but all the tables, except one, were already filled with participants. Gradually, more participants streamed in. The owner, Mervyn, was busy with some preparations.

After 2pm, Vivian and Michelle appeared.  Both of them looked as good as in the show! In fact, they looked more natural and gorgeous in real person! They were very spontaneous. They started chatting with the participants, and asking us about our views of “Ladies’ Nite”. We started warming up. After a few more chats, they started the demonstration proper.
Michelle started her preparation for the “Steam-baked Fish Roll”. It included frying onions and mushrooms. Then wrap dory fish with ham and cabbage, and placed it on a baking tray.  After that, she added some seasoning and water, and placed them in the oven to bake. There were several parts to her demonstration. After each part, we proceeded to do it on our own. When our fish were baking, Vivian started her demonstration.
Michelle was wearing a mask because she wasn't feeling well that day.
Gorgeous Michelle with her food.
Vivian’s food recommendation was “Cold Rice Salad with Prawns”. Using overnight rice, it was mixed with french beans, tomatoes, corn and prawns. It was seasoned with olive oil, pepper, salt and orange juice! After mixing, it’s best kept in the chiller before consumption.
Pretty Vivian with her food.
After we finished with the preparation for salad, we continued with the final garnishing of the fish roll. Thereafter, we were left on our own to do our final decoration and presentation.
Finally, Michelle and Vivian went around the four tables to judge for the best food presentation.
The winning team had been awarded with a tee designed by Fann Wong. It went to a group of youngsters.
After the prize presentation and photo-taking, we were invited to a simple hi-tea. It was time to eat and enjoy! There were baked macaroni with cheese and sesame waffle cones with caramelised apples. These were in addition to the fish rolls and salad that we made. Among them, I like the fish rolls most. It was really healthy, and simple to make.
It didn't just end here. After filling our tummy, the casts went table to table to get feedback and comments on the workshop and the show. They interviewed everyone of us, followed by photo-taking. I understood that this workshop will not be telecast on the television.
The workshop ended with a "Questions and Answers" session where more goodies were given out. I was lucky to be able to answer a question and got myself a Channel U goodie bag!
I left the workshop feeling filled, happy and star-studded! It was a pleasure interacting with Michelle, Vivian, and the team from Channel U. Thank you Channel U, for giving me this opportunity to cook with the hosts, and my family members. I’ll be tuning in to “Ladies’ Nite” every Tuesday from 8-9.30pm, to learn more tips on trends, wellness and cooking!
Cooking workshop sponsored by Channel U Ladies' Nite.

Read more about this workshop on Channel U's blog:


thecoffeesnob said...
May 8, 2011 at 9:19 AM

This sounds like such a fun and lighthearted class! I'll be sure to keep an eye out for the program! :)

Passionate About Baking said...
May 8, 2011 at 9:26 AM

Yes Laureen. It's a show for ladies. You'll have to tune in and get good tips from the hosts!

CaThY said...
May 8, 2011 at 11:36 AM

Wow.. loads of fun! :)

Wen said...
May 8, 2011 at 12:32 PM

So interesting & lots of fun! Cooking and interacting with the host! Wow the cooking studio is so much bigger than the old one.

Small Small Baker said...
May 8, 2011 at 1:19 PM

Such a fun and wonderful experience to learn cooking with celebrities. A really great Mother's Day present. :)

Passionate About Baking said...
May 8, 2011 at 4:13 PM

Yes, it was truly loaded with fun!

I've not been to Cookyn workshop before, so I don't know about the previous one. However, this studio, though very nice, is situated in a very "ulu" place! :p

Shirley @ Kokken69 said...
May 8, 2011 at 7:30 PM

Wow, how cool is this? So we will see you on TV ? :)

Honey Bee Sweets said...
May 9, 2011 at 4:06 PM

Oh nice! You did had a wonderful time didn't you? I would if I'm you, heehee! Meeting celebs and eating delicious food, plus prizes! Envy envy!

Passionate About Baking said...
May 9, 2011 at 4:20 PM

Sorry to disppoint you, Shirley. You won't get to see me! It'll only be available on their FB and blog.

Indeed, it was loaded with food and fun. How could one not enjoy? :)

Zurin said...
May 9, 2011 at 11:10 PM

Wow...looks like you had a great mothers day and what a treat to spend time with such lovely hosts!

DG said...
May 11, 2011 at 2:20 AM

Congrats! Sounds interesting and you must enjoyed the great time there!

Anonymous said...
May 14, 2011 at 9:20 AM

Looks fun!

Zurin said...
May 19, 2011 at 5:51 PM

Wow...looks like you had a great mothers day and what a treat to spend time with such lovely hosts!

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