Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Time Flies!

Time just flies with a blink of the eyes. I realised that I've not been updating my blog for about 10days! It was quite unlike me to keep the interval so long. I think it's either age is catching up with me (can't multi-task anymore) or I've been too busy lately. I guess another factor was also that I've not been baking much lately because of other commitments.

Anyway, I've just managed to finish another batch of durian-related food - durian muffins. The recipe was again, from Anna, which I had tried before previously. After a successful attempt, I'm tempted to try again of course! Who isn't motivated by successes? ;) I have all those leftover durians in the freezer, and I thought I'd better use them quickly before I forget again! And again, the texture turned out really nice. It was very fragrant too.

However, there was a sad thing. I spoilt my oven! I don't think I will be able to bake until I've gotten it repaired/replaced!! I've been very rough in handling my oven, and I think it was her way of showing displeasure, so she has decided to quit on me! *boohoohoo* Until it's been repaired, till then baking!

Just to share on my bakes for the past week.
Made some fondant cookies as a gift for a friend's daughter birthday.

It was scrambled eggs and garlic toast for breakfast last Saturday.

Try out a new Brownie recipe using Valrhona chocolates. Wasn't quite successful but I managed to salvage it! :p Will have to try this recipe again.

Did a durian cream cake for my sister-in-law last weekend.

Finally, had baked spagetti for dinner yesterday. I love the mozzarella cheese on pasta/spagetti.

I have also been very busy lately with my course. Had to practice my sugar paste flowers. I've still not decided on the design and the colour of my dummy wedding cake. Had been sourcing for the syrofoams and some other materials lately. It had been so stressful for me.


  1. Nice work on those cookies! =) They're pretty! And the durian muffins look great!! and your poor oven! =(...

  2. Hi Jane,
    Durian muffin is something new to me. I don't even taste them before, but for sure, it's very yummy as I like durian very much! Shall I have a piece on our next meeting :P

  3. Hi Anna,
    Thanks for the compliments. The durian muffins were good because of your foolproof recipe! ;) Aw...my oven. My poor oven. Can I borrow yours? Heehee...

    Hi Grace,
    You're so early! Oh, this durian muffin really taste good. Because I dumped a lot of durians in there. I don't even have to put any essence, just pure durians. Ok ok, let me go home and freeze a couple of them for you, do you mind? :p

  4. Hey Jane,
    You know the same thing happened to my oven too! The door just won't shut tight. Then my husband came up with the idea of fixing it himself. He went to some DIY hardware store to replace the spring that was holding the door. And voila! Perhaps you should consider DIY also? That's if you can't wait like me, haha! Good luck! Hey, maybe in the meantime do some kueh recipes larr, just steam. ;)

  5. Hi HBS,
    Woah, thanks for your tip! Mine was the hook of the oven holding the door too! Yes, I'll ask my hubby to do the same thing too! Thanks very much for sharing. Oh yes, I've not thought of steaming! Maybe it's time to steam some cakes now! Thanks a lot for all your ideas! :)

  6. I have passed you the 'Kreativ Blogger Award'. Check my blog to see what it's all about. :)

  7. Hi HBS,
    Woah, thanks for your tip! Mine was the hook of the oven holding the door too! Yes, I'll ask my hubby to do the same thing too! Thanks very much for sharing. Oh yes, I've not thought of steaming! Maybe it's time to steam some cakes now! Thanks a lot for all your ideas! :)

  8. Nice work on those cookies! =) They're pretty! And the durian muffins look great!! and your poor oven! =(...


Be free with your mind!