Sunday, July 5, 2009

Durian Oreo Cake

Some days back, I saw HHB posted her blog with this Durian Oreo Cake. I thought it was rather interesting. Actually I've seen this combination of cake before, but I didn't think much of it until she baked it. I've requested her for the recipe and she was generous and kind enough to post it up after receiving so many requests. Well, since I've requested for it, I'd better not waste her effort.

So, picking up my courage, I tried to bake this cake. I knew I wanted to bake a durian cake, but was hesitant about adding oreo. Eventually, I did add the oreos. My failed attempt was baking the cake. Somehow, I still cannot fold in the flour without deflating the bubbles. In fact, I had to bake twice in a row, just so to get 3 layers of sponge. *sigh* Still trying to get the techniques of folding flour into aerated eggs right! Anyone there can coach me one-to-one please?? The batter just went flat and there was no difference in the level of the pan before and after baking! Hahaha... I saw how high the cake can rise in HHB's picture. Mine just refused!

Anyway, the comments I received on the cake is - sponge is too dense (as expected), should have more durian pulps, otherwise, the overall taste is good. I used diary whipped cream instead of non-diary as I prefer the diary taste more. It's actually a very easy and simple recipe to do, except for the challenge of the sponge cake for me! I like this cake too!

Some updates on my Wedding Cake Decoration course. Last week, we did some extension works and bridging. It was rather difficult to pipe as the royal icing was hard, and extensions required at least 7 layers!! Most of us agreed that we will skip this for our project work! Heehee... We also tried our hands on sugar paste frills and flounce and started some carnation modelling. We'll be doing more flowers next week. Yippee!


  1. i know how you feel. sponge and chiffon cakes are my greatest fears. i tried baking it last year, almost every day (for 2 weeks) and never got it right - the cake only rose a little with patches of egg whites (I think) at the bottom....

  2. Hi Skinnymum,
    Aw, thanks a lot for your consolation. I guess it's just not ez to master such folding ya? Well, there's only three words for us- never give up! We have to try until at least to get once right? ;)

  3. Hi Jane,
    The durian oreo combination must be very yummy! I would really like to know how it taste like. I like the lace of wedding cake, it's very pretty!

  4. Hi Grace,
    Yes, the taste of the oreo with durian is really very special. As my oreo was very finely crushed, the oreo taste was very fast dominated by durian in the mouth. Oreo taste is very subtle, but it's very nice to be added with the durians.
    Oh yes, the lace is really pretty, isn't it?

  5. I got the same hair-tearing experiences like u, sometimes made me go crazy & sleepless thinking what happened! Think you will sure succeed in your next bake! Do you want to try the Basic sponge cake recipe i just posted in my durian cake post?

  6. Hi quizzine,
    I'm so glad you can empathise with me. Thanks for sharing, I'll check out your recipe. :)

  7. hmm.. I smell durians already.. I've never thought of the combination of oreo and durian till I've seen it in HHB.. Anyway, your cake looks great and it's making me hungry..

  8. Hi tracieMoo,
    Thanks for your compliment. Do try it and see if you like the cake. I do like the cake actually.

  9. Hey Jane :) Wow you really are on a roll with durian baking! The durian and mango season's the one thing I look forward to year after year :)

  10. Hi Laureen,
    Aw yes. Lots of leftover durians. Cannot let it go waste. Heehee...

  11. Hi Grace,
    Yes, the taste of the oreo with durian is really very special. As my oreo was very finely crushed, the oreo taste was very fast dominated by durian in the mouth. Oreo taste is very subtle, but it's very nice to be added with the durians.
    Oh yes, the lace is really pretty, isn't it?

  12. Hi Skinnymum,
    Aw, thanks a lot for your consolation. I guess it's just not ez to master such folding ya? Well, there's only three words for us- never give up! We have to try until at least to get once right? ;)


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