Saturday, July 4, 2009

Durian Week

Last weekend, dad gave me a tub of durians. He said the durian "grade" not that good and he didn't want to waste calories on it, so he passed them to me. I took it happily and told him I'll turn them into durian puffs for him.

However, when it came to wanting to use the durians, I didn't feel like baking choux pastry. Instead, I baked a Durian Butter Cake from Alex Goh's book. The recipe can also be found in Yochana's blog. After baking, the durian smell just lingered everywhere. My eldest son couldn't resist it, and kept asking to try. After he finally convinced me that he should try, I pinched a tiny piece for him and he said it was very nice. He requested for more, I pinched another piece. He didn't get to eat more of it until supper time.

After dinner, I tried to bake another cake - Durian Chiffon Cake by Kevin Chai. The recipe again, can be found in Yochana's blog, though I referred directly from Kevin's book. I didn't think anything was wrong with my batter until I see some cracks on my chiffon. I had replaced coconut milk with fresh milk, and I don't think it was due to this problem.

Anyway, after baking, I took out the cake and hung it upside on a bottle. Then my youngest boy came into the kitchen, saw it and commented,"sure drop!" I hushed him and tell him it won't. He repeated it! *Arrrggghh* He has never commented before, but this time he made that comment.

One hour later, my daughter ran into the room and exclaimed,"mummy, your cake dropped!" *Arrrggghh* What happened! When I went to the kitchen, the cake really dropped from the pan. Hahaha...It was a pitiful sight of the cake. I regretted not taking any picture of the "crime" scene. However, I attempted to draw it out to share with you how it looked. Below was the scene.

Anyway, dispite having a distorted cake, the taste was really nice. The chiffon was really soft even though it cracked and didn't rise too high. The holes were very very tiny. It's either the batter was too watery, or the egg whites were not beaten enough. I don't think I have any spare durians to try, therefore, I'll just let this recipe RIP for now.


  1. Hey Jane,
    As the saying goes "Ho Jia can already". :) My husband likes durian too much to let it be baked into anything, haha. ;D Well at least you tried. Enjoy all your durian bakes.

  2. Hi HBS,
    Thanks for your comfort. Aw yes, continue to "jia" lor. Cannot let the durian chiffon go waste! Hahaha...Ya, good durians must eat, cannot bake. Heehee... Enjoy your durians too!

  3. hmm never tried durian inof the any bakings. but i hate the strong smell but my husband adores it.

  4. You did a very professional graphic of the crime scene...hahaha. I'm going to bake a durian cake after dinner too, wish me luck!

  5. Never had a chance to try durian chiffon......should be quite interesting...

    Angie's Recipes

  6. Hi nora@ffr,
    Actually I also don't like durians in baking. But since last year I tried the durian puffs, I like it so much. So I decided to try them on baking this year.

    Hi quizzine,
    Good luck for your durian cake. I'm sure it'll be great!

    Hi Angie,
    Can you get durian there? I bet it'll just be too expensive to eat, let alone use it to bake! :p

  7. I tried a durian chiffon sometime back which also slipped! I think the durian was too heavy for the chiffon to be held up =X

    You've just encouraged me to try again hehe!

  8. I also want to try durian chiffon! Jane you are so cute! - love your drawing! =)

  9. Hi Youfei,
    Oh you did? Phew! I'm not alone. Maybe durian chiffon not for beginners like us? :p Oh, pls do try again. I hope it'll be successful for you this time! Jia-you!

    Hi Anna,
    Please try durian chiffon if you have spare durians. Else, durians are better off eaten off the seed ya? No choice, forgot to take a picture of the mess, so drew it just to share. Hopefully no one else was in the same situation as me. :p

  10. Hi Jane,

    thinking of trying the durian butter cake but got no custard powder leh. Do you think i can omit it?

  11. Hi Youfei,
    Yes, I thinnk it won't affect much. Custard powder is to give the colour only, i suppose. Try it without. :p

  12. I also want to try durian chiffon! Jane you are so cute! - love your drawing! =)

  13. Hi Youfei,
    Oh you did? Phew! I'm not alone. Maybe durian chiffon not for beginners like us? :p Oh, pls do try again. I hope it'll be successful for you this time! Jia-you!

    Hi Anna,
    Please try durian chiffon if you have spare durians. Else, durians are better off eaten off the seed ya? No choice, forgot to take a picture of the mess, so drew it just to share. Hopefully no one else was in the same situation as me. :p

  14. hmm never tried durian inof the any bakings. but i hate the strong smell but my husband adores it.


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