Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Simple and Good

Ever since I've started on some "pro" baking, I've not baked those simple and good treats - muffins! Muffins are actually very simple, doesn't need a mixer, just use whisk or spatula. I wasn't bothered with muffins all these while because I wanted very much to use my Kenwood mixer! Since I've already gotten myself some good and expensive mixer, might as well make use of it right? Hahaa... That was when, muffins are long forgotten.

Thanks to Anna for sharing her muffin recipe with me, I thought I might as well go easy with baking on a weekday. I tried baking an almond and chocolate chip muffins. It was really easy, and it turned out to be very fragrant and yummy! I used to love muffins a lot, but have forsake it for cupcakes. Suddenly, I realised I've fallen in love with muffins again! It's just a simple and good treat to bake and eat!!


  1. Moist, airy muffins are best for a tea treat. Well...it's not really easy to make good muffins. I guess you used "muffin method" to make those, do you?

  2. Hi Angie,
    Ya, come to thinnk of it, it's not that easy to make good muffins actually. Aw yes, had to be the traditional "muffin method"! Must really do that once a while, so that I don't lose the "personal" touch! :)

  3. Hi Jane,
    Wow.. you become a very professional baker! I can't wait to see your pro cake on your post! However, those little muffins look great although it's just a simple cake. The crumbs look very fluffy! Homemade is always good :P

  4. Hi Grace,
    Thanks, you compliment me too much! I've not reached the "pro" status yet. Yes, these muffins are really good, I was surprised by my mixing too! It had to be the recipe that is good! :)

  5. vat a lovely looking muffins :)you are rili talented and m loving this blog very much :)

  6. Hi nora@ffr,
    Thanks very much for your compliment. I'm not that talented. It's just that the recipes are really good! :)

  7. Hi nora@ffr,
    Thanks very much for your compliment. I'm not that talented. It's just that the recipes are really good! :)

  8. Hi Grace,
    Thanks, you compliment me too much! I've not reached the "pro" status yet. Yes, these muffins are really good, I was surprised by my mixing too! It had to be the recipe that is good! :)

  9. Hi Angie,
    Ya, come to thinnk of it, it's not that easy to make good muffins actually. Aw yes, had to be the traditional "muffin method"! Must really do that once a while, so that I don't lose the "personal" touch! :)


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