Sunday, June 21, 2009

It's a pound again!

It's got to be pound cake again! I've been trying out new recipes and baking new food now and then. Somehow, I just can't run away from baking some simple recipes again and again. There are some recipes which I just swear by! One of those had to be pound cakes and butter cakes! As my sour cream was expiring soon, I just had to use them, and try to use up all of them. So, the only cake that I can bake, is pound cakes. I baked two loaves, one for my colleagues tomorrow, and the other for my family. I baked the marbled pound cakes instead of the usual chocolate only or vanilla only. Then of course, I used my homemade vanilla extract.

I filled a small bottle of my homemade vanilla extract, and gave it to someone whom I know will appreciate it. I called it "limited edition", and it's rather precious to me. However, I'm willing to give to bakers or people who will appreciate the value of this extract. :)


  1. Well done J! I've been slow in blogging, in fact, nothing new to say so dun say/blog. Baking is still done altough a bit slower now :)

  2. Hi Yuri,
    Thanks! It's all just repetitive! I also have slowed down a lot of baking. Used to be almost daily, now, only about 2-3 bakes a week. Heehee... Wonder if the passion has died down. :p I also repeat my bakes now, but sometimes, just want to blog on it. :p You should lah!

  3. Hi Jane,
    Nicely baked marble cake! I would like to try it soon. Thanks for sharing!

  4. Hi Grace,
    Thanks! Yes, you should try this pound cake, it's really very soft and nice.

  5. Hi Jane,
    I just threw away the sour cream last week cos it has passed the expiry date. Aiyah your post should come earlier ;-)

  6. Aiyo, wasted lah quizzine! It happened to me very often too! Haiz... "sayang sayang"... If we don't stock, we want to use, don't have. If we stock too much, it passed the expiry date!

  7. I was a lucky recipient of Jane's fantastic vanilla extract. The bottle was so pretty at first I didn't want to open it, but when i did, the smell was so delicious I couldn't help opening it now and then just to take a whiff of the vanilla extract. Thank you for letting me try the pound cake too - it was delicious and my mom loved it as well.

  8. Hi Anna,
    Aw, you're just a very lucky girl, aren't you? Hahaha...just kidding. I'm glad you like the cake and the extract. :)

  9. Jane, one note of caution..always stored your wine or home made extracts(that has wine or liquor) in glass bottles or jars. Never use metal or plastic. Over time, it will erode the metal or plastic casing and that causes lead poisoning(metal) and melamine poisoning(plastic). Its something I learn from a Wine Master who manufactures wine/liquor. :) I have also given out all my home made vanilla extract. Now finding new owners for my home made Sultanas Wine. I use that for cooking, steaming fish and making drunken prawns..yums!

  10. Hi Gina,
    Thanks a lot for sharing this information. Yes, I followed your instructions when I made the extract. Except now, I re-bottled it out for Anna. Ya, maybe tell her not to keep too long. But the cover of the glass bottle can be cork or rubber right? Just not plastic or metal only right? Really appreciate your generous sharing! :)

  11. Jane, one note of caution..always stored your wine or home made extracts(that has wine or liquor) in glass bottles or jars. Never use metal or plastic. Over time, it will erode the metal or plastic casing and that causes lead poisoning(metal) and melamine poisoning(plastic). Its something I learn from a Wine Master who manufactures wine/liquor. :) I have also given out all my home made vanilla extract. Now finding new owners for my home made Sultanas Wine. I use that for cooking, steaming fish and making drunken prawns..yums!

  12. Aiyo, wasted lah quizzine! It happened to me very often too! Haiz... "sayang sayang"... If we don't stock, we want to use, don't have. If we stock too much, it passed the expiry date!

  13. Well done J! I've been slow in blogging, in fact, nothing new to say so dun say/blog. Baking is still done altough a bit slower now :)


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