Saturday, June 27, 2009

Gula Melaka Chiffon Cake

Baking has become part and parcel of a Saturday activity, unless I have appointment, out of town or other urgent stuff to attend to. I had earlier promised my youngest son to make scrambled eggs for breakfast on Saturday morning. To make it more wholesome, I made (almost) exactly what was sold in Hans breakfast set - scrambled eggs, cheese sausage and toast. I thought it wasn't that easy to make good scrambled eggs, at least to me. I've made them before, and it didn't taste like one. *yucks* He has been bugging us to bring him to Hans for the scrambled egg breakfast. So I thought I might as well make for him!

I searched for an easy to make recipe for scrambled eggs. It didn't take long to find one. This recipe from allrecipes was really good. I followed it and it turned out really good. I used 14 eggs for my family of 6! I used cheese sausage, and toasted white bread and spread them with margarine. The breakfast set was really sumptuous and nutritious! I was glad they love it!

After breakfast, I wasn't ready to just sit around. I browsed through the recipe on chiffons and decided that I should practice my chiffon method again. I have no banana nor blueberries on hand. Finally, I settled on the Gula Melaka Chiffon cake.

This chiffon was easy to manage. Nothing fanciful, just gula melaka with coconut milk. I think the most important ingredient is to get good gula melaka (palm sugar) to give the cake a nice coconut fragrance! When the cake was baking in the oven, the gula melaka aroma was very strong. However, after baking, the fragrant seemed to have evaporated with the heat too! I brought the cake over to my parents place for them. My dad frowned when I told them I made the chiffon cake. He took a small piece initially, and commented that it was nice. After that, he took another piece. Need I say more?

Here is the recipe, extracted from "Chiffon Cake is Done" by Kevin Chai.

Gula Melaka Chiffon Cake
Egg yolk batter

150g Gula melaka
100ml Coconut milk
6 Egg yolks
4 tbsp Cooking oil
1/4 tsp Salt
140g Plain flour

Egg white foam
6 Egg whites
1/4tsp Cream of tartar
40g Caster sugar

1. To make egg yolk batter, melt the gula melaka and coconut milk over low heat. Remove and pour in a mixing bowl, leave to cool.
2. Combine with egg yolks, cooking oil and salt. Fold in flour until it forms batter.
3. To make egg white foam, beat egg whites and cream of tartar until mixture forms soft peaks.
4. Gradually add in sugar, beating at high speed until frothy and stiff peaks form.
5. Gently fold beaten egg white foam into egg yolk batter until blended.
6. Pour batter into ungreased 9" (22cm) tube pan. Bake in preheated oven at 170C (150C fan oven) for 45mins or until cooked.
7. Remove from oven, invert cake on top of a bottle until completely cooled.

Scrambled Eggs
Serves 6
14 Eggs
2 tbsp mayonnaise
2 tbsp water
2 tbsp butter
salt and pepper to taste (optional)
shredded cheese (optional)

1. In a large bowl, whisk together the eggs, mayonnaise and water using a whisk.
2. Melt margarine in a pan over low heat.
3. Pour in the eggs, and stir constantly as they cook. I used a whisk to stir round the pan. Cheese can be added at this juncture.
4. Remove the eggs to a plate when they are set, but still moist. Do not over cook.
5. Add salt and pepper only when eggs are on plate. Ketchup or chilli sauce also goes very well with scrambled eggs. Enjoy!


  1. Your breakfast is really sumptuous! I've got alot of gula melaka in the fridge from penang, and i think this is the recipe!

  2. Hi quizzine,
    Yes, I hardly have such a sumptuous breakfast too! Unless it's dining out!
    Oh yes, I'm sure that gula melaka you've got is good. Try the chiffon then, that will help to utilised it quickly! :)

  3. hey jane

    Yr chiffon cake looks really yummy~

  4. gula melaka chiffon, it must be delicious!!

  5. Hi Philia & Anna,
    Actually it wasn't that good as I think the gula melaka I used wasn't that fragrant. But if use a good gula melaka, I believe it will be very nice. Try it! :)

  6. I think this gula melaka chiffon definately taste good! I like the taste of gula melaka too, it's such a good ingredients for baking!

  7. Hi Grace,
    Oh yes, then you must try this chiffon cake. I'm sure if you use a good gula melaka, it'll taste really good!

  8. Ooh i love gula melaka! This must have been sooo good!

  9. Hi Laureen,
    Oh...looks like Asians simply cannot hide from loving gula melaka! Hahaha...Try this recipe then. :)

  10. never tried this before. already craving for it

  11. Hi nora@ffr,
    Try it then. But my family said not much taste after that. :p Guess the gula melaka I used wasn't strong enuf!

  12. hey jane

    Yr chiffon cake looks really yummy~

  13. Hi Philia & Anna,
    Actually it wasn't that good as I think the gula melaka I used wasn't that fragrant. But if use a good gula melaka, I believe it will be very nice. Try it! :)

  14. I make pandan chiffon but serve it with a warm gula melaka custard. Really good.

  15. Great idea Julioo! Btw, how do you make gula melaka custard? Sounds like a great tea break!


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