Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Vienesse Chocolate Sables

Since it was my last day of "rest" yesterday with my daughter after her operation, I decided to make some light chocolate goodies for the children. I recalled a couple of years ago, I did bake some sables. However, I didn't really fancy it, nor crave for it.
I changed my mind about the Vienesse Chocolate Sables when I saw Shirley's post! Her sables looked so pretty and tempting. That really prompted me to try. I decided to bake it today since I have all the ingredients, and I can still manage (as my domestic helper is still around).
The chocolate sables are very chocky and melt in the mouth. It's really very addictive. I used a small star nozzle to pipe out a "W" shape. It turned out pretty nice. This is a must-try for any chocolate lovers!
The recipe can be found in Kokken69 blog.

I'm submitting this to the Aspiring Bakers #7 - Chocolate Delight (May 2011).


  1. :) Jane, you are the 4th person that I know who has tried this after my post. Very good piping skills, Jane! The texture of the cookies are quite something, aren't they?

  2. Thanks Shirley! It just goes to show that the recipe is good! I don't recall my previous experience with sables that good! LOL. Yes, the texture is really extra-ordinary!

  3. I muz try this soon! looks too yummy!! :)

  4. saw this on shirley's blog as well. yours looks equally delicious!

  5. i saw this on the book and i wanted to make it too. you baked it so lovely and delicious! (:

  6. I saw this cookies the 3rd time already. You pipe it so well and pretty! I can smell from here. :)

  7. Thanks Jasmine! I'm sure you'll bake it beautifully too!

  8. Thanks SSB! Why don't you try it too?

  9. Very chocolatey cookies and yours are pretty too!


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