Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Aspiring Bakers #2: Christmas! (Dec 2010)

I'm hosting the Aspiring Bakers #2 for December 2010.

The theme for December is Christmas!

Who can join?

Everyone! (if you do not have a blog, just send me a photo of your bake/cook related to the theme).

How to join?

Step 1:

Bake/Roast/Grill/Cook any Christmas related food in the month of Dec 2010.

You can submit more than 1 post.

Your post must include the recipe or link to the original recipe. If you are using a recipe from a book, please include the title of the book too. Please also mention in your blog that you are submitting your post to Aspiring Bakers #2: Christmas! (Dec 2010) and link to this page.

Step 2:

Email to in the following format:

Your name or nickname:

Your blog name:

Name of your bake:

URL of your post:

Attachment of your photo in your email (one photo for each entry, preferably < 500kb).

The closing date is: 30 Dec 2010. (extended!)

All entries will be compiled and posted by 1 Jan 2011.


  1. Jane, think there's a typo. You mean Dec 26 is the closing date right?
    Sounds exciting!! I can already visualize all those glorious Christmas food, lol!

  2. Ah yes HBS. Thanks for spotting the error. I have amended. Heehee... Yup yup, put in all your fantastic baking skills for this X'mas! :) Can't wait to see what you have in store!

  3. Jane, thanks for hosting for this month. I just posted the roundup for November. It's a long long list. :)

  4. Thanks for this opportunity SSB! Looks like end Dec I'll be busy with the ocnsolidation too! ;)

  5. Now, I really got to get my list going. Been procrastinating!

  6. Yeah!!! I'm going to join this :)

  7. Hey Jane,

    I'm going to make sure I make it in time for this month's challenge. Got lots of bakes to churn out. If they all turn out fine, I will be submitting multiple entries. Log cake is certainly on my to bake list. I hope I wont botch it up.

    enjoy ur festive baking and have a good time!

  8. Haha... love this theme! Rather easy too since there will be lots of cooking and baking for X'mas!

  9. OMG JANE!

    What an amazing theme. I have a million and one things I wanna bake for Christmas. I hope to post some up! ;))

  10. Hi my blogger friends,
    I'm sure looking forward to your entries! Bring it on! :)

  11. Hi Jane,
    I hope to be able to join in this, feel so bad that I missed the Aspiring Bakers #1 due to my work schedule. Look forward to seeing all the wonderful & joyous creations from everyone!

  12. Hope I am able to join, now cracking head to think what to bake... hee

  13. Happy to follow your blog for Aspiring Baking #2...

  14. hi, i just submitted my entry today..just check whether you got that..thanks!

  15. Happy to follow your blog for Aspiring Baking #2...

  16. Yeah!!! I'm going to join this :)


Be free with your mind!