Sunday, September 19, 2010

Steamed Swirly Mantous

Okay, I just to admit that sometimes, it's "人算不如天算" (meaning rather to leave it to the God to plan, than I plan). During my last post about steamed buns (mantous), I said I won't make anymore. Then I made another batch when my poor boy couldn't eat with normal rice due to his HFMD. So I had to give him steamed buns to enable him to fill his stomach, and he liked it too. After he finished the last slit buns, he called me in the office and told me he wanted more steam buns. *sweat*
Since he has requested for it, I simply couldn't reject a cute sick boy's request. So I bought more HK flour and made more steamed buns. This time, I used Gina's recipe for the mantous. As discussed in my previous post, I separated the dough and added 1.5 tbsp cocoa powder to one of the separated dough. Then I rolled it up like swiss rolls. The dough looked nice before it was steamed. However, after steaming, it cracked. The steamed bun also were not evenly rolled out based on the thickness of the colours you see. That means, I really needed more practice... This was one of my better looking steamed swirly chocolate bun.


  1. Hi Jane,
    These buns look a lot better than last time. Almost perfect, no crack with the smooth surface. very nice! I think you can make more to keep in the freezer. So your boy can have it anytime he want. Just steam it straight from the freezer will do.

  2. It's hard to reject a request when it's a craved for request.
    Your buns look nice and fluffy.

  3. Jane, the mantou looks pretty. It is hard to reject any request from your love, and this is a happy task to make something for someone who will appreciate so much :). And wish your poor little cutie recover from HFMD soon.

  4. Hi Grace,
    Thanks. They looked nice when I rolled them up. But after steaming, they cracked up on me. :P Do you know one recipe already made about 24 pcs? And you know how long it takes to finish it? Just one day. So do you think I have a chance to freeze them? No way! Hahaha... I'm like feeling a troop of hungry mouths when it comes to mantous!

    Hi Wendy,
    Yes, you simply can't reject such a request. Thanks.

    Hi Jess,
    Thanks. Yes, the younger boy has recovered, probably after eating my TLC mantous! Kekeke...

  5. Hey, you are getting more expert here leh, all the nice mantaos look so yummy..:)

  6. Hi Jane,
    These buns look a lot better than last time. Almost perfect, no crack with the smooth surface. very nice! I think you can make more to keep in the freezer. So your boy can have it anytime he want. Just steam it straight from the freezer will do.


Be free with your mind!