Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Queen Bread and Oreo Buns

I was looking for some inspirations to bake my bread. So I asked my eldest son what would he like. He replied me "Oreo". It sounded weird to have oreo in the bread. And he wanted it wholesome in the buns, not crushed, nor any other way. So I obliged.
I made one recipe of the Queen Bread from Baking Code. Separated into two portions. One portion, I proceeded with the Queen bread, the other portion, I made into buns, a mixture of oreo buns and red bean buns.
Recipe for Queen Bread, extracted from "Baking Code by Alex Goh"
(Makes 2 loaves, but I only make one loaf. The other half dough I made into buns.)

500g Bread flour
75g Sugar
6g Salt
20g Milk powder
8g Instant yeast

150g Overnight sponge dough*
1 Cold egg
240g Cold water

90g Butter

1. Mix A until well blended. Add in B, knead to form a dough.
2. Add in C, continue kneading to form a smooth and elastic dough. Cover it with cling wrap and allow it to proof for 60mins.
3. Divide the dough into 4 pieces, mould it round. Allow it to rest for 10 mins.
4. Roll out the dough, roll it up like swiss rolls. Allow it to rest for 10 mins. Repeat the step one more time. Place two dough onto the greased loaf tin. Makes two loaves.
5. Let it proof for 50mins. Cut the top with scissors. Place some butter on top and sprinke some sugar. (I had forgotten to do this! I left the top plain and just baked it!)
6. Bake in pre-heat oven at 180C for 35mins.

*Overnight Sponge Dough (use all)
(makes approx. 155g dough)

100g Bread flour
60g Water (room temperature)
1/4 tsp Instant yeast

1. Mix the instant yeast with 20g of water until well-blended.
2. Add in the remaining ingredients and knead to form a dough.
3. Let it proof for 30mins.
4. Wrap in cling film and keep in the refrigerator overnight.

The beautiful loaf baked from the galvanised loaf tin. One of my favourite baking tool!
I saw with great interest what Bee Bee did to her buns. So I decided to try it on a slice of the Queen bread to test if it will spring back. It responded so well I decided to "massage" it a couple more times. (Don't worry, I only tested on one ;))Then I decided this loaf is truly worth making! Enjoy the "massage"!


  1. veli nais massage ma'am.
    me like it veli much.
    I do that to my bread too!
    Just for the fun of it.

  2. Whenever I see lovely breads like these, I keep telling myself that I need to start baking bread soon...

  3. Jane, your boy is so creative, Oreo bun, sound delicious liao. I am looking forward for the day I can massage my bread, hope can b soon. If not I wil go to u or BeeBee helping u all to massage your bread hahaha...

  4. How creative! Oreo buns really sounds good :) I can't bring my self to squeeze my bread, I just find it too 'precious' since it takes a lot of hard work making it by hand, I always treat it with 'tender loving care' ;)

  5. Hahaha....guess my post got you motivated. :) Great idea with the Oreo filling. :) BTW...HHB mentioned that she handles her bread with TLC...does that mean she doesn't eat them?? heehee....just kidding!

  6. Hi Wendy,
    "U're most well-come." Hahaha...I didn't know you love to massage your bread too! Actually I've never done it until I saw Bee Bee's video. You know those breads that we bought outside like Gardenia, if you do this to those breads, they'll be completely flattened!

    Hi Shirley,
    I can't wait for you to make your bread. I'm sure it'll be truly nice and "squeezeable"! :p

  7. Hi Jess,
    Just realised you read blogs in the wee hours of the morning!
    Ya, like I mentioned, he is a big Oreo fan! Give him anything oreo, he'll finished it.
    Err...I don't usually get to massage my breads like that... However, if I do, you're more than welcome to massage them too! Hahaha...

    Hi HHB,
    I know what you meant. However, sometimes they need to be treated with some roughness if they don't rise to expectation. Heehee...So your TLC is from the start, till the tummy? Kekeke...Just kidding.

    Hi HBS,
    Ah yes, your squeezing got me motivated to try. I must prove that my bread is well made too! But not all the time though. I hardly get bouncy breads like this, unlike yours. ;) Hey, it's actually quite fun to do that. Kekeke...

  8. Jane, you noticed liao ar, I am old lady that can't sleep a lot so if I sleep early at 10pm when gets my g to sleep, I will wake up range from 3am plus to 6am hahaha... Sometimes due to my block nose since I have sensitive nose that make me can't sleep thru, so have to wake up :(.

    Next time remember to call me if you need assistance to massage the bread, I really love to do so. You know the choco sponge cake posted by grace with similar video clip too and I used the same recipe that yield super spongy cake, me too also kept pressing, somemore demo to everyone hahaha...

    Wishing you and your family a happy mid autumn festival!

  9. Brilliant website, I had not noticed passionbaker.blogspot.com before in my searches!
    Carry on the great work!

  10. Nice breads and buns you have here, but oreo eh...heehee! Sorry! I'm not very much like it..;p
    I enjoyed your "massage" on the bread, haha! I'll try on mine next time, and hopefully it bounce back..;p

  11. Hi Jess,
    Thanks! Wish you and your family a Happy Mid-autumn Festival too! Ah, I must remember to squeeze the that sponge cake the next time I bake! :p

    Hi Reese,
    Yup, I know you're not a fan of oreo at all! Heehee... Ah, don't get too addicted on your massage next time!

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  13. Jane, you noticed liao ar, I am old lady that can't sleep a lot so if I sleep early at 10pm when gets my g to sleep, I will wake up range from 3am plus to 6am hahaha... Sometimes due to my block nose since I have sensitive nose that make me can't sleep thru, so have to wake up :(.

    Next time remember to call me if you need assistance to massage the bread, I really love to do so. You know the choco sponge cake posted by grace with similar video clip too and I used the same recipe that yield super spongy cake, me too also kept pressing, somemore demo to everyone hahaha...

    Wishing you and your family a happy mid autumn festival!

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