Saturday, August 21, 2010

Pulut Hitam

Whenever I visit PH or any other baking stores, I'm bound to buy some stuff which I told myself I will "do" it one day. Then I'll keep until (1) I totally forgotten, (2) expired or (3) suddenly remembered and use it. However, sometimes, if I don't buy it, I'll regret and hate myself for not buying because (1) when I needed it, I don't have it or (2) when I suddenly feel like making it, I don't have it. Gee... it's such a dilemna isn't it? Don't we all faced this problem? I'm sure most of the bakers/cooks can resonant with this! Hahaha...

Anyway, I bought black glutinous rice last Thursday and thought that I would truly want to make this dessert this weekend. And true to my own "promise", I did it today. It wasn't very difficult actually. I managed to find this recipe in Kitchen Capers' forum by Gina.

I tweaked it slightly to whatever ingredients I have. Actually it turned out to be pretty good. You can try it if you yearned to have some Pulut Hitam. :)
Recipe for Pulut Hitam, adapted from KC forum.

300g Black Glutinous Rice
1500g Water 
170g Gula Melaka
250g Fresh coconut milk (Heng Guan brand)

1. Soak glutinous rice overnight.
2. Drain and wash rice the next day.
3. Put rice and water into slow cooker.
4. Turn on high heat and let it cook.
5. After two hours, add in the chopped gula melaka and stir well. Turn to low heat.
6. Let it simmer for one more hour, then turn off the heat.
7. Serve hot with coconut milk.

I also want to share that the day before, I requested my helper to cook yam rice and gave her some simple instructions on how to. She is able to grasp instructions pretty well and delivered a sumptuous pot of yam rice for us!

As yam rice is pretty easy to prepare, I shall not provide any recipe. The amount of ingredients, what and how much to add, is all dependant on individual taste preference. One of my favourite thing about eating such "one pot" rice is adding the garnish. I added fried silver fish, fried onions and fried garlics! If I have spring onions and parsleys, that would have gone into my bowl too! I'm a big fan of garnishes and condiments.

These were the ingredients that went into cooking this "one pot" rice - yam, french beans, dried shrimps, dried mushrooms, dark soy sauce and pepper. I had instructed her not to add any meats, and that we'll just go meatless for that meal. It was just perfect for me!


  1. Jane, I have the same problem, possibly all avid home cooks have the same problem except for the very few disciplined ones... You just reminded me that I still have the Black Glutinous rice I bought in HK....

  2. HAHAHA! You made me ROTFL! I can totally relate to you on that!! That's why I always consider myself an indecisive shopper!! I can grab one item, then put it back ... repeat the same step again till I've finally made up my mind. Haha!

    Wah, long time I haven't had any bubur pulut hitam ... Love it with santan! Speaking of taro rice, my Teochew mom will go gaga over it. She used to cook this a lot before she got stroke. Thank you for the reminder!

  3. Jane, I have same problem too and I just mentioned in my post too...

    I just cooked pulut hitam last wk and now having tau suan. Yours look yummy too...

    You are such lucky to have a helper than can take instruction and cook so well. Haiz... I am having headache with my current maid, dunno when she is able to cook a simple dish for me :(.

  4. I'm just as bad if not worse, always buying, thinking that I would make it and never got down to doing it until it's too late! What's worse is that I'll buy more than needed. ;P
    I love pulut hitam and I do it the way you do. My family loves it!

  5. I'm also like that, nonstop buying but always kept till expired..haha! Now that i'm trying to finish up the chocolate I bought from my last visit to Singapore..;p And yes, its going to expire soon...very soon.
    Hey, I love pulut hitam and yam rice. I think we have the same taste f food..;p

  6. Same here!!! I have so much of unused ingredients :)

    I love pulut hitam, and I also like to mix it with red beans and boil together :)

  7. My cupboard is so stuffed with ingredients too! And there are new pans, packing boxes, and I still go to baking supply store at least once a week?! Hahaha, so glad I am not the only one! Nice black glutinous rice desert! Quit long have not made this ....abit lazy to boil it....;p

  8. Oh my your yam rice is calling my name! Did you tell the yam rice what my name was?? It looks really yummy!

  9. Hi Jane,
    I like to eat Yam Rice but I've no idea how to cook it. May be you can teach me next time hur?!

  10. Hey Jane,

    I feel the same as you do whenever I step into Phoon Huat, Sun Lik, supermarket and worst till, bookstores with book sale! In the end, I always end up spending quite a bit, especially at Phoon Huat...

    So far, I managed to make it a point to make good use of the items I have bought, especially baking tools and bakebooks. Ingredients can be stored for some time so not much of a problem. Some ingredients can be eaten even if I dont use them, eg a pack of dried fruits I bought meant for a lady baltimore cake. There were times when I feel that I should have bought certain items, like the cake turntable.

  11. Hi Shirley,
    You bought black glutinous rice from HK? What so you intend to use it for? Can't wait to see what you're going to make it with.

    Hi Pei Lin,
    Woah! You're worse than me. At most, I only wandered around the place for a few minutes. Once I decide to take it, I usually don't put back. Haha...
    Ah, my yam rice not as authentic as those real teochew kind. Mine is improvised version. :p

  12. Hi Jess,
    Gee, looks like almost everyone had this lately! And oh, tau suan, my favourite too! I was just told by my colleague that she made this and tau suan lately also!
    I guess having a maid is like striking lottery! It just depends on your luck. Anyway, your maid is still new, there is still a chance to train her up properly. Mine has been with me for four years. Just renewed her contract with me again. ;)

    Hi busygran,
    I'm comforted. At least there are people who are worst than me. Heehee...

    Hi Reese,
    Guess this is the "bad" habit of most of us right? Even though we remind ourselves not to buy so much one moment, the next moment, we're out buying again! And sometimes, we got more deprived if we didn't buy, and ended buying even more! Hahaha...
    Oh yes, I also think we have very similar taste. Wish we could stay nearer to each other. ;)

  13. Hi Wendy,
    Oh, mix pulut hitam with red beans? Sounds interesting leh. Maybe I can try it next time. You boil them together? Does red bean "disintegrate" faster since black glutinous rice takes longer to soften?

    Hi HBS,
    You can be excused for buying. You have orders to fulfill, so it's okay to visit baking stores once a week to buy your ingredients. So it'll be guaranteed fresh from oven. :) I think making pulut hitam is no kick for you, too simple liao. Kekeke...

    Hi Yan Ee,
    You are so funny. I can tell yam rice your name, but it doesn't know how to go to your place leh...

  14. Hi Grace,
    No problem, I can teach you how to cook. However, mine is not authentic leh. Mine is "rojak". But I think if it taste good, it doesn't matter right?

    Hi Bakertan,
    I think you're very right! Not only baking accessories and ingredients, also baking books! I've been buying a lot of baking books too! So much until I have to think twice now about my storage.
    I stored my ingredients from the kitchen to the living room now. Gee... Really bad.
    At least you're very discipline. You really bothered to make use of the baking tools. I bought so many cake rings, hoping to make more mousse cake, but I've not make any so far! Really wasteful. :<

  15. Jane, I thought its Heng Guan Coconut milk?

  16. Hahaha...Thanks Gina! I must've mixed up the name!

  17. Hey Jane,

    I feel the same as you do whenever I step into Phoon Huat, Sun Lik, supermarket and worst till, bookstores with book sale! In the end, I always end up spending quite a bit, especially at Phoon Huat...

    So far, I managed to make it a point to make good use of the items I have bought, especially baking tools and bakebooks. Ingredients can be stored for some time so not much of a problem. Some ingredients can be eaten even if I dont use them, eg a pack of dried fruits I bought meant for a lady baltimore cake. There were times when I feel that I should have bought certain items, like the cake turntable.

  18. Hi Shirley,
    You bought black glutinous rice from HK? What so you intend to use it for? Can't wait to see what you're going to make it with.

    Hi Pei Lin,
    Woah! You're worse than me. At most, I only wandered around the place for a few minutes. Once I decide to take it, I usually don't put back. Haha...
    Ah, my yam rice not as authentic as those real teochew kind. Mine is improvised version. :p


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