Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Lavender Lemon Teacake

After one full week's rest from the kitchen, I'm back to baking again. It wasn't difficult to get back to baking. It's like part of the daily routine. After all the fun and play in Hong Kong, the knowledge of baking has not been lost! Hahaha...

With little butter left in the fridge, I decided to try out Lavender Teacake from Happy Home Baking. The ingredients don't look too complicated. The steps looks simple too! So without hesitation, I prepared all the ingredients. My youngest son finished his dinner quickly and came over to help me.  He looked very keen, so I decided to let him do the mixing with the mixer. In fact, he did all the mixing for me, while I just dumped the ingredients in. He was really helpful. Besides helping, he was also inquisitive on the ingredients and the steps. Potential chef-to-be.

Previously, I remembered trying HHB's Lemon & Lavender Cookies. So I thought mixing lavender and lemon would be nice. Therefore, I made some lemon sauce, to be brushed on top of the cake after it's fresh out of the oven. I heated 1 tbsp lemon juice with 1 tbsp water and 2 tsp sugar. Once the sugar has melted, stir well, and turn off the heat.
After baking, let the cake cooled in the pan for about 5mins. Then removed from the cake pan. Use a cake skewer and make some holes on the cake. Then brush the top with the lemon sauce.

I told my son, if the cake turns out to be good, then I'll make him the assistant chef whenever I'm baking. However, if it didn't turn out that well, it would mean that he needs more practice. So, I'll still make him the assistant chef to practice more! I didn't want to discourage him since he was so enthusiatic.
The cake turned out to be very moist and soft. My colleagues who tried it said it's very good. Like what HHB said, it's very light. And even tasted like with cream cheese. Even myself, who usually don't take plain cakes, found that it's very good. I took one whole slice after I cut it. Can't help but to eat them. The lemon taste was very subtle, and does not over power the lavender. This recipe is a sure keeper for me!


  1. Jane, you are so lucky to have a potential chef at home, so envy leh. The cake looks good and with the help of potential baker, sure taste even better leh

  2. Hi Jess,
    Ya. I'm so happy I have a young helper. I'm not sure if the cake will turn out well if I had made them! :p

  3. Do you realise that most famous chefs are male? Your boy is one in the making ;-) The cake does look very soft and spongy. Bookmarked!

  4. humble Jane, I am sure the cake will turn out as good if you are the one who make it, like mother like son :)

  5. What a creative way to add lemon to this tea cake!

    It is always very fun baking with children. Sometimes they will ask questions that you will never think of, although they do help create extra mess in the kitchen ;)

  6. the cake looks very soft n fluffy. Your son is going to be a great baker :))

  7. Jane, this is interesting because most tea cakes tends to be denser. Must try.

  8. Ooo this is the cake. Looks delicious..:) I like plain cakes, so this is definitely in my list now..;)

  9. The texture of the cake looks pillow like!! even looks a bit like cheesecake.. :)

  10. Jane, the cake looks really soft and moist. I bet the lavendar must have made it smell so heavenly.

  11. Thumb up for ur little helper!

    Can't imagine the cake can be so moist with such amount of fat. I'd like to give it a try too but probaby w/o lavender because I don't have them at home. May I know where u buy the lavender? I suppose they are dried one right?

  12. Hi quizzine,
    Ya, hope he can walk the path that I have missed!
    You really have to try the cake, it's truly addictive!

    Hi HHB,
    Yes, they are always so curious. They sure ask the most amazing questions! It's actually quite fun to involve them! Now I understand why you have little hands to help you! ;)

    Hi zurin,
    I didn't know he can be of such good help! :p This cake is really worth the effort and calories!

  13. Hi Shirley,
    This is a very special teacake. Worth the calories.

    Hi Reese,
    Me too! I felt that if a cake is good, it should be eaten plain, without any frosting. And this is sure one of those!

    Hi Swee Sian,
    Actually yes, it has the texture of like cream cheese. my colleague asked if there was cream cheese. :)

  14. Hi Jo,
    Yes, the lavender smell and taste was really nice. Not too strong, subtle enough to know its existence.

    Hi Angel,
    I strongly believe eating plain is also very nice! It sure won't taste like ji dan gao. You can get dried lavender flowers from PH. I got mine there too! My sister also got some for me when she went to Aussie quite some time back. Do try this recipe, I think Lucius will like it too! ;)

  15. Hi Jane, I think I'd love the texture too as it looks soft, moist and light. Quite like those Japanese cheesecake is it? WOW! I wish to have a piece now :P

  16. Hi Grace,
    Oh, I wished I could give you a slice too! It does taste like Japanese cheesecake though, but without the cheese. :p

  17. What a creative way to add lemon to this tea cake!

    It is always very fun baking with children. Sometimes they will ask questions that you will never think of, although they do help create extra mess in the kitchen ;)

  18. Jane, you are so lucky to have a potential chef at home, so envy leh. The cake looks good and with the help of potential baker, sure taste even better leh


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