Monday, July 26, 2010

Cheese it all

Salmon was on sales. Button mushrooms were on sales. Bulk discount for Meiji cheese. No prize for guessing what I made for Saturday lunch. The theme for lunch was, anything that can use cheese.

It all started one day when one of my dear friend informed me that there was someone in a particular forum trying to clear stock of Meiji cheese because they were expiring real soon! And since it was going at rock bottom prices, and I really mean BOTTOM, I decided to get some. She knew that I like to use cheese in my baking, so she informed me of such good deal. Isn't it nice of her? ;)
I also had a new "toy"- grilling pan, which I bought from Tangs quite some time ago. So I decided to use the grilling pan to grill my salmon fillets. I thought there will be splashing all over. However it didn't. Probably because I used butter? Maybe it won't splashed in the first place. I love the grilling marks it left on my fillet.

Here was the menu for lunch.

1) Salad - coral lettuce, cherry tomatoes, basil leaves, raisins, onions, olive oil, pepper & rock salt.
2) Caramelised onions
3) Stir fried button mushrooms with cheese.
4) Garlic toast - fried garlic with butter and toast.
5) Grilled salmon - Marinated with rock salt and rosemary. Use butter to grill the salmon, then add the cheese after it's cooked.

My children loved the garlic toast amongst the food. Luckily I didn't make a lot, otherwise, they won't finish my salmon. Heehee... :p


  1. They look so scrumptious Jane. You always cook Western for you family? I remember, when I was still in Malaysia, Western treats are rare occasions, like when someone's birthday is around the corner, then we'll all get excited to be able to choose which western restaurant to dine in. Gone were the days...your husband and children are so lucky to have a mother and a wife like you Jane! Everyday is birthday with you around!

  2. Hi Quinn,
    Thanks very much for your wonderful words. My helper usually cooks chinese style. So when I'm around, I tried to do more bakings and grillings. So usually, it's more west than east. :p
    Ya, I can relate to your experience too! My family is also the same too, when we were younger! Gone are those days! Now there're cafes and lots of foods around! Anytime is a celebration as long as we're happy isn't it? ;)

  3. Yr Salmon recipe looks great! I shd try it too... I am still trying out recipe for salmon so tt I will like it... I hv expensive taste bud, only tk salmon sashimi :p

    I am gg to try salmon with rosemary san the cheese cos My body is intoxicated with cheese!


  4. Great thinking, Jane! It's a wonderful combo you whipped up. Very hearty and homely. There's a lot of love in your cooking/baking. It shows. :)

  5. A very complete and hearty meal! I like the cheese on mushrooms. :)

  6. It was a wonderful lunch, Jane..:) I can't remember when I cooked "lunch" these days, usually we'll be eating out. Dinner will be simple unless my husband is coming home for dinner..;p So only desserts always in my list..;)

  7. Jane, this is such a wonderful meal and so delicious. I dun usually cook, if I cook will be more to western but definately not as gd as yours.

  8. Hi Fiona,
    Hahaha...ya, both of us are overdosed with too much cheese, thanks to you! Oh yes, please do try salmon. It's really nutritious!

    Hi Ju,
    Thanks. Actually, any baking can go with cheese I thought. I'm sure you also put in a lot of efforts in your cooking too! :)

    Hi busygran,
    Thanks. I've always love cheese on mushrooms. I usually add chopped garlic to bake too!

  9. Hi Reese,
    Lunch is the only meal during weekend that I can afford the time to cook. Otherwise, I only get to bake desserts. That reminds me, I haven't been making desserts for a long long time! :p

    Hi Jess,
    Thanks. "Good" is subjective. I'm sure when you cook, your family will love every bite of it! That is all that matters, isn't it? ;)

    Hi Suhaina,
    Thanks. I'm sure you can do it too!

  10. Hi Jane,

    This cheesey meal is inviting with a promising lineup of salad, sides and grilled salmon. Definitly a meal worthy for celebrations.

    When me and a group of my friends meet up for bbqs, we will do grilled portobellos with mozzarella. its chewy, cheesy and juicy. mushrooms with cheese just cant go wrong.

  11. Hi Bakertan,
    I can't agree more. Portobellos are truly great with cheese on bbq. One of my favourite way to eat button mushrooms are with cheese. It's a perfect combination! ;)

  12. Hey, Jane! The menu looked fab to me! Your family is truly lucky to have you! =)

    I love cheese, too! The cheesier, the better! When I bake pizzas, I make sure the layers are topped with oodles of mozzarella upon baking! Sinful but good!

    Hey, I have a griddle too ... But it's been left at one side for a long time ... Hopefully, it'll see sunlight again ... I bought it just because I love Korean and French foods! LOL!

  13. Hi Jane. Wow, what a spread- your kids must been thrilled!

    I'm a bit embarrassed to admit this but I never knew Meiji had a line of cheese products!

  14. Hi Laureen,
    Gee, I also didn't know it existed until my friend told me about Meiji cheese products! :p

  15. Hi Bakertan,
    I can't agree more. Portobellos are truly great with cheese on bbq. One of my favourite way to eat button mushrooms are with cheese. It's a perfect combination! ;)

  16. Hi Fiona,
    Hahaha...ya, both of us are overdosed with too much cheese, thanks to you! Oh yes, please do try salmon. It's really nutritious!

    Hi Ju,
    Thanks. Actually, any baking can go with cheese I thought. I'm sure you also put in a lot of efforts in your cooking too! :)

    Hi busygran,
    Thanks. I've always love cheese on mushrooms. I usually add chopped garlic to bake too!

  17. Great thinking, Jane! It's a wonderful combo you whipped up. Very hearty and homely. There's a lot of love in your cooking/baking. It shows. :)


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