Friday, July 30, 2010

Baked Rice and Orange Butter Cake

With more cheese in stock, I instructed my helper to prepare Baked Tomato Rice for dinner one evening. She used the leftover tomato paste I prepared from the pizzas last week. It was really nice with the tomato and basil leaves. I think I should ask her to bake this more often as it was very well received by the children.
Whenever I see some recipes with bananas or oranges, I just cannot resist the temptation to bake them when I have one of these fruits at home. So the moment when I saw Ju with her Orange Butter Cake, I just had to bake them. It just can't go wrong to give this as a gift for a friend. The zesty orange fragrance that filled the room when it was baking made me want to eat it once it was baked! I used 1.5x of the recipe, three oranges, reduced some sugar and baked it in a 9" round pan. I still find the cake a bit sweet. Shall reduce it the next round I bake again.
The texture, the fragrance and the taste of this cake is really wonderful! Everyone who tried this cake just raved about it! Hop over to The Little Teochew to try this out! Thanks Ju!
I got a bunch of these citrus fruits from my father-in-law lately. I have no idea what this was. It looked to me like over-ripen limes. Anyone has any idea what this is? :p


  1. Very nice baked rice and very yummy orange butter cake. I like to try different kinds of butter cake, infect I'm planning to make one next week. Very nice, Jane..:)

  2. I've got oranges and going-to-expire butter in my fridge, maybe will consider this as my next bake! Tks for sharing!

  3. Hi Reese,
    Thanks. Suddenly I prefer baked tomato rice over creamy ones. :p You'll just have to try this orange butter cake, it's just...yummy!

    Hi quizzine,
    Yup, time to have a simple bake over frosted cakes ya? ;)

  4. Jane, glad you liked the cake! It looks perfect! In exchange for sharing the recipe, can you bake some of that yummy tomato rice for me? ;D

  5. Hi Ju,
    Thanks very much for your wonderful sharing and recipe! :) Hahaha... dare not dare not. You cook better than me, I dare not let you try. :p

  6. Hi Jane. That fruit looks a lot like Chikoo. It's sweet and we usually eat it straight up. Hope that's of any kind of help :)

  7. Can share the recipe for tomato bake rice?

    I still hv some tomato paste left from my pizza... need to finish it up together with the cheese!

  8. Fiona,
    For making baked pasta or rice, I only guess-timate. I hope I can help a little here.

    I use the tomato paste to cook the rice. Then prepare all the necessary ingredients to be mix with the rice like chicken pieces, mixed vegetables, broccoli, button mushrooms etc. Stir fried the ingredients till just cooked, then add in the cooked tomato rice. If you like more tomatoes, you can add more again, otherwise, can add tomato ketchup. Then put them into the baking pan, lay with cheese, topped up, and lay with more cheese.

    I hope that helps. Have a happy cheesy baked tomato rice day! :)

  9. Hahaa Jane - but there seems to be so much food! Ok, I will make for 8 - if cannot finish, you must bring the left overs home :)

  10. Ok, call me *greedy* Shirley. How about the extra 2 that you made, I packet it first? Heehee...I'm serious you know.

  11. I've got oranges and going-to-expire butter in my fridge, maybe will consider this as my next bake! Tks for sharing!


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