Thursday, June 10, 2010

Blueberry Chiffon

I bought some blueberries a supermarket last weekend when they were having sales. Decided to bake a blueberry chiffon cake yesterday and was happy with the outcome. Constant practice for chiffon is required for me so that, (1) I won't forget the batter and (2) I can remember how the egg whites should be beaten. The recipe was provided here, adjust it according to your pan size.

When I overturned it after baking, it dropped, and resulted in an indent in my soft, cottony chiffon. *Poin!*

Then I realised it developed a waist...
However, despite some mishaps, I still like the texture and considered it almost perfect for me!


  1. Hi Jane, your chiffon cake looks great! I ve not yet bake a chiffon cake since my 1st successful, I am thinking to bake this wkend and now seeing this post, more determine :).

  2. Hi Jess,
    Your last chiffon bake was such a success. That should give you more motivation to bake more chiffons! :) I'll be looking forward to see your chiffon cake soon!

  3. Hey Jane, accident might happen when we bakes, anyway your chiffon still looks great! I'm going to bake an orange flavour one for my inlaws this weekend, wish me luck!...heehee..;p

  4. Thanks for your consolation,Reese.Aw, I'm sure your orange chiffon will turn out great! I have full confidence in you! ;)

  5. Hey Jane, although it dropped when it's overturned but once you cut it out, the crumbs look perfect. I can feel the cottony soft texture. Practice make perfect! I've long time didn't bake chiffon. I must get back to chiffon practice. Good inspiration from you!

  6. Haha this is such a cute post =) The cake looks so soft and yummy.. I'm sure I would be able to eat at least three slices of this in one sitting...

  7. Oh I almost forgot Jane.. If you want a discount coupon for Sweet Spring you can get it off my blog, I just went there for a tasting session...

  8. Hi Clare,
    Thanks. Chiffons are so light, one two pieces are not enough for me too!
    Thanks for your information on Sweet Spring. I shall print it out and visit the place some day. :)

  9. Hi Jess,
    Your last chiffon bake was such a success. That should give you more motivation to bake more chiffons! :) I'll be looking forward to see your chiffon cake soon!

  10. Hi Jane, your chiffon cake looks great! I ve not yet bake a chiffon cake since my 1st successful, I am thinking to bake this wkend and now seeing this post, more determine :).


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