Saturday, May 22, 2010

Wanton Noodles

Thursday evening, I told my hubby I was indecisive on what to cook for Saturday lunch. He just replied me, "fried noodles". Both of us love fried noodles, whether it's Hong Kong noodles, vermicelli or Ee Fu noodles. As long as it's noodles, we like it. Even though I like this idea, I'm just worried about the kids. The children took their lunch at home daily. Very often, my domestic helper prepares noodles at least once or twice a week for them. So for them, if it's noodles again on Saturday, they'll comment "noodles again??" even though for us, "it's noodles!" There are just two different group of "eaters". It's quite difficult to please sometimes.

After thinking for a long time, I decided to make wanton noodles. I need to plan before hand so that I can buy the necessary ingredients the following day (Friday). On Saturday morning, my helper helped me with the cutting and chopping of the ingredients for the wanton (dumpling) filling. I marinated it, wrapped it up uglyly. These were the ingredients that went into my wanton filling: minced pork, prawns, carrots, chinese mushrooms, water chestnuts, onions and spring onions. To marinate, I put oyster sauce, chicken stock, cornflour, ground pepper and sesame oil.

I decided to fried half of them and "blanched" the other half. I knew my kids don't eat dumplings in soup, they only love those fried ones. Haiz, kids! I used fresh HK noodles (mee kia) from local supermarket.

I prepared my sauce based on the chee cheong fun sauce recipe. Then added some oyster sauce, cornflour to thicken it and the char siew sauce which came with the char siew I bought. A bit like rojak (means a mixture of everything!)  Surprisingly, the sauce was really nice! It was sweet, a bit salty and very tasty. Almost like what we eat outside! My family members simply love the wanton noodles specially prepared for them! I was glad I made the right decision. Sometimes, I took the trouble to prepare something special which I think my your family members might like, but it turned out otherwise. I'll get really disappointed. Fortunately, it was not one of those times! :)


  1. oh so yum..yes I can open your own little corner :)

  2. Yummy! Wanton mee is my girl's favourite..:) Hey Jane, you are really good, this wanton mee really looks very very pro, and I bet its yummilicious!

  3. Hi Ju & zurin,
    Thanks for your compliments! I can only prepare for my family of 6, more than that number, the standard will drop! Hahaha...

  4. Hi Reese,
    Thanks! You should try it too! It's a fair bit of work, but it's worth you. Let me tell you, I'll only make this once in a long long time. Hahaha... Too much work for me liao (even with my maid's help)! Buy from outside more worth it! :p

  5. i like wonton noodle and my mum used to cook every wk when I visit her but your wonton noodle is so prof, must be very yummy!

  6. Hi Jess,
    I'm sure your mum's wanton noodles tastes fantastic!! Aw, don't be deceived by it's look! Hahaha... Thanks anyway!

  7. WOW Jane! The wanton noodles look delicious! I like the dark color noodles as it's just looks like my hometown one. When the noodles had the dark color of sauce, it will be very appetizing for me.

  8. Hi Grace,
    Ya, it does look delicious, but taste wise, still not perfect. Must formulate a good recipe for the sauce. I also like dark colour sauce. I love wanton noodles also! It's like the one we had at Lucky Plaza, remember? ;p

  9. Jane, such a coincidence, I cooked Wanton noodles on Sat for lunch too!
    My kids helped me to wrapped the dumplings while I prepared the sauce & noodle.

    Like you, I bought Char Siew and I use the sauce too on top of dark sauce, oyster sauce, ketchup, olive oil (used to fry shallot). Yummy!!


  10. Oh wow! What a coincidence! I'm sure your wanton noodles tasted wonder too! It sounds good too! It's the 2nd time within 2 weeks that we seemed to be preparing the same food for our meals! Hahaha... Next time we checked with each other, just in case we missed out any ingredients for our food! It's so nice of your boys to help you. None of my children offered. :(

  11. your kids are so fortunate with a wonder chef mum like you. give me those tantalizing wanton noodles anytime and I will gladly ask for a second helping =]. I very much prefer noodle dishes to rice dishes.

  12. Hi Jane. Your wanton noodles look delicious! Just reading about what went into it has got me starving! :)

  13. Hi Bakertan,
    Thanks! Me too. I'll always choose noodle over rice. Noodle reigns at all time!

  14. Hi Laureen,
    Thanks! Quite a fair bit of ingredients, and ended up, the meat wasn't too prominent though! Hahaha...

  15. Jane, such a coincidence, I cooked Wanton noodles on Sat for lunch too!
    My kids helped me to wrapped the dumplings while I prepared the sauce & noodle.

    Like you, I bought Char Siew and I use the sauce too on top of dark sauce, oyster sauce, ketchup, olive oil (used to fry shallot). Yummy!!


  16. Hi Jane. Your wanton noodles look delicious! Just reading about what went into it has got me starving! :)


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