Saturday, April 24, 2010

Walnut & Flaxseeds Wholemeal Rolls

I've been quite slow in updating my blog lately. Partly was because I got put off by having to type in the recipe, and partly because I was venturing and reading new recipes. However, no matter how long I put it off, I knew I just have to update them one day. Therefore, this a delayed post.

I made Walnut & Flaxseeds Wholemeal Rolls last weekend. I added the flaxseeds myself as it was not in the original recipe. This recipe was extracted from "Baking Code" by Alex Goh.

Recipe for Walnut & Flaxseeds Wholemeal Rolls.

Overnight Sponge Dough
(makes approx. 155g dough)
100g Bread flour
60g Water (room temperature)
1/4 tsp Instant yeast

1. Mix the instant yeast with 20g of water until well-blended.
2. Add in the remaining ingredients and knead to form a dough.
3. Let it proof for 30mins.
4. Wrap in cling film and keep in the refrigerator overnight.

Main Dough
200g Bread flour
100g Wholemeal flour
15g Brown sugar
3g Salt
5g Instant yeast

60g Overnight sponge dough
1 tsp Molasses
190g Cold water

20g Butter

70g Walnut, chopped
10g Flaxseeds

1. Mix A until well-blended. Add in B, knead to form a dough.
2. Add in C, knead to form a smooth and elastic dough. Add in D, mix until well-combined.
3. Cover it with cling film, allow it to proof for 60mins in a warm place.
4. Divide the dough into 60g each and mould it round. Allow it to rest for 10mins.
5. Flatten the dough and shape it into oblong shape. Place it onto a greased pan (or put them into a bundt pan like what I did), allow it to proof for another 60mins.
6. Bake at 200C for 12 mins.

For me, in order to finish up my overnight sponge dough, I made 2.5x of the original recipe. The rolls remained soft even after three days. With the overnight sponge dough, it really retains the softness of the bread even after three days!


  1. Nice bread..:) I'm quite lazy to make bread lately...all because of the kneading and washing..hee hee! I think I got to bake one soon..;p
    Btw, yours is a nice and healthy bread, I'll try this recipe when I bake next round..:)

  2. Hi Jane ,

    ur bread looks very soft and fluffy.

    May I know for the sponge dough do we need to knead till smooth or just form a dough will do?

  3. Nice buns there Jane. know I couldn't agree more about being lazy typing the recipe in! But can't call our blog a food blog if we don't do it right? Can't wait to bake some bread month though. :P

  4. This is a very healthy indeed! I've the same feeling as you too, Jane! It really time consuming to type the recipe in and make sure others will understand. Anyway, great that you still able to complete this recipe for sharing. I'm sure everyone will appreciate it. I do. Cheers!

  5. Hi Reese,
    I have the same thoughts as you too! You can use your mixer to knead the dough. Frankly, I always let the mixer do the kneading, I don't knead myself as I found that I can't knead well. :p Actually bread mixing uses less cockeries I find. Cake making uses more. Heehee... C'mon. Let me give you more motivation to bake bread yah? ;)

  6. Hi Cook.Bake.Love,
    Thanks. I love this bread too. It really feels soft even though it's wholemeal!
    For the overnight dough, you just have to mix until all the ingredients are incorporated. Don't need to knead till smooth. Hope this helps!

  7. Hi HBS,
    Thanks for dropping by. :) Frankly, I really admire your diligence in providing your recipes all the time! And must make sure that the details provided are easy to understand! *salute*
    You're right. Since other kind souls provide recipes to share with others, I'll also have to be diligent enough to do likewise! :)

  8. Hi Grace,
    Ya boy! When we're in our "lazy-and-no-mood-to-update" mood, we just put it off right? Then comes the time we must get down to do it, then we "kuai kuai" spend some time to update! Hahaha... You're most welcome. Hope you can try this recipe sometime. Suits you. ;)

  9. hi jane! thanks for posting the recipe though you were busy searching for new recipes. i tried this today and they turned out really soft. how many other alex goh recipes are out there? btw, you have an awesome blog:D

  10. Hi joyceyvonna,
    Thank you very much for your compliments. :)
    I'm so glad you like the recipe. I like Alex Goh's recipe books. They are very easy to follow and the ingredients used are easily available in our market too!
    There are quite a number of his books-cheesecakes, chocolates, bread, pastry, creative cakes, cookies and this baking code. At least those were the ones I knew. Except for the chocolates & cookies, I have the rest of them! ;)

  11. Hi joyceyvonna,
    Thank you very much for your compliments. :)
    I'm so glad you like the recipe. I like Alex Goh's recipe books. They are very easy to follow and the ingredients used are easily available in our market too!
    There are quite a number of his books-cheesecakes, chocolates, bread, pastry, creative cakes, cookies and this baking code. At least those were the ones I knew. Except for the chocolates & cookies, I have the rest of them! ;)

  12. Hi Grace,
    Ya boy! When we're in our "lazy-and-no-mood-to-update" mood, we just put it off right? Then comes the time we must get down to do it, then we "kuai kuai" spend some time to update! Hahaha... You're most welcome. Hope you can try this recipe sometime. Suits you. ;)

  13. Hi Jane ,

    ur bread looks very soft and fluffy.

    May I know for the sponge dough do we need to knead till smooth or just form a dough will do?

  14. Nice buns there Jane. know I couldn't agree more about being lazy typing the recipe in! But can't call our blog a food blog if we don't do it right? Can't wait to bake some bread month though. :P


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