Monday, April 26, 2010

Feather Swiss Rolls

Lately, I've been referring a lot to the recipes from "Baking Code" by Alex Goh. I found that his recipes are easy to understand, rather easy to make and it's very much our Sin-Malaysian style!  Here's one swiss rolls which I made from his book. However, I made a couple of changes to it.

Recipe for Feather Swiss Rolls.
5 Eggs
120g Sugar

130g Plain flour
1 tsp Vanilla extract

100g Corn oil

1 tsp Chocolate paste

1. Whip A until light and fluffy. Fold in B, mix until well blended.
2. Add in C, mix until well incorporated.
3. Take out a tablespoon of the batter. Add in the chocolate paste and mix well.
4. Pour the original batter into a lined 13" x 11" cake sheet pan.
5. Place the chocolate batter into a piping bag. Pipe lines on top of the batter. Then use a skewer to make patterns on batter.
6. Bake at 190C in the middle shelve of the oven for 20mins.
7. Remove it immediately from the mould when baked.
8. Allow to cool.

50g Chocolate Ganache
20g Dessicated coconut

1. Roll out the cake sheet with the feather pattern face down.
2. Spread chocolate ganache on the cake.
3. Sprinkle dessicated coconut evenly.
4. Roll it up tightly.


  1. WOW Jane! The feather effect looks nice! I've not try any swiss rolls with this pattern yet. I will try it out. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Very beautiful Jane! I think I can't do it without guidiance la...;p I'll give it a try then let you know..hee hee..:)

  3. Hi Jane. This is just gorgeous! Love the look of the stripes on the roll :)

  4. Hi Grace,
    Thanks! I'm sure you'll do it beautifully too!

    Hi Reese,
    It's actually very easy. You'll be surprised at how well you can achive this! Just do it!

    Hi Laureen,

  5. Hi Jane, Your swiss roll looks so soft, and you did a great job with the pattern!

  6. WOW Jane! The feather effect looks nice! I've not try any swiss rolls with this pattern yet. I will try it out. Thanks for sharing!


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