Monday, February 1, 2010

2-Tier Birthday Cake

Since I've attained my Cert in Wedding Cake in August, I've not actually made a two-tier cake...until last week. Some two weeks back, I received an email for a request to make a cake shaped like a LV bag with its monogram prints. As I've no experience in making this cake, I rejected the request. I didn't want to disappoint the requestor nor myself since I've not made it before. It won't serve me any good too!

Somehow, the discussion evolved, and the requestor asked for a 2-tier cake with lots of buttons. Well, at least that sounds really reasonable, and I truly believed I can achieve it. So I bought materials, chatted with Gina on how many fondant is required. And finally, the day came when I started baking and decorating the cake.

Actually, I'm so glad that I started this blogging. Through blogging, I've came to know a lot of friends, either baking friends or blogging friends. They have helped me in one way or another. Whatever way they have helped, I'm truly grateful and appreciative of their time, efforts and attention. My friend, Adeline, shared with me previously that she used Rei's Mocha pound cake recipe to make her son's birthday cake some months back. I immediately thought of that and tried baking the cake. It was truly good, especially the coffee powder I used was very fragrant and strong!

The requestor also sent me a few pictures of how he wanted his birthday cake. I was able to visualise what he wanted. He also specify "Gucci colour of green & red". I tried my best to mix the colour closest to what I understand of Gucci colour (as I don't own any Gucci products). Finally, the cake was completed, and delivered on time. I was very glad to have taken up his request, and to put my learning skills to good use. Mostly importantly, he loved the cake! Here's wishing the birthday boy, a Happy 21st Birthday!


  1. Gruss von deinem D. :)

  2. Such a lovely and colorful cake. ;) Good one Jane!

  3. Wow Jane! that's beautiful. Keep it up. I love it.

  4. Hi HBS,
    Thanks! You haven't been decorating cakes since you're back. Hope to see more of your decorations. :)

  5. Hi Doris,
    Thanks for your compliments. :) Your next birthday, ask your girl to come and buy from me lah! I make a nice cake for you! ;)

  6. fantastic! so colourful and lively!!! god job Jane!:)

  7. Hi zurin,
    Thanks very much for your compliments. :)

  8. Hi Jane, that's very good work you've done! Very nice cake which is the only one in the world specially handmade by you! You're really brave to get the challenge, bravo!

  9. Hi Grace,
    Thanks! Yes, I was rather brave to take up the challenge. I figured if I don't do it, I'll never get to do it! Might as well challenge myself too! Do you agree? ;)

  10. Hi Jane, this cake looks incredible! I'm not surprised at all that your customer loved it. How long did the cake take you?

  11. Hi Laureen,
    Thanks very much! It took me one and half day to complete it. A lot of work! :p

  12. Hi Jane, this cake looks incredible! I'm not surprised at all that your customer loved it. How long did the cake take you?

  13. Hi Laureen , Thanks very much! It took me one and half day to complete it. A lot of work! :p


Be free with your mind!