Monday, January 18, 2010

Durian Gourmet Demo Workshop

Durian Gourmet workshop is what LA called it. A few of us, including my dear friend, Doris, attended her durian workshop on Sunday evening. I was waiting for this workshop. I asked Youfei if she was interested to attend, and she agreed quite readily. As it turned up, there were seven of us! I was surprised to see so many of us. I guess durian must've been the favourites amongst us Singaporeans!!

Like I mentioned in my previous workshop with LA, I enjoyed her workshops because she showed us different methods, different gadgets everytime! I told her if everytime we come, and everytime there are new accessories, in no time, we'll be broke if we followed her in getting all those stuffs! Anyway, it was an enjoyable workshop. We brought back the cakes that was baked during the workshop. They were just...YUMMY!

Here is the showcase of what was demonstrated during the workshop.

Our takeaways (ta-bao).


  1. Durians, my favourite!! Really envy that you can attend so many baking workshops & classes ;-)

  2. By the way, i love the new look on your blog!

  3. Hi quizzine,
    Ya, seems like there are many fans of durians out there! Including myself. You'd better not start attending workshops, can get addictive and deprived if there're no good ones! Hahaha...
    Aiyo, you must've caught me when I'm revamping my blog! Heehee..Thanks! I can't believe my blog is coming to 3 years already. Time to give it a fresh new look! ;)

  4. Love the new layout Jane! And the pictures are killing me. I can't wait to go back Malaysia for a durian feast! I miss them so much. Never had them for a year or more already... :(

  5. Mmm. Durians. I'm soo pleased they're back in season- they're all I've been eating the last two days!

    Anyway I'm completely loving the new layout, Jane. It's so nice and cheery!

  6. Hi Quinn,
    Ya, better come back quickly here to enjoy the king of fruits. I understand it's the season now. But I've yet to come across a durian fruit stall with lots of durians yet! :p

  7. Hi Laureen,
    Wow! So envious of you eating so much durians. I only tried the durian cakes, but satisfying cos that's real durians. Heehee... Hey, any leftovers, make them into cake!
    Thanks, thought it's time to change the look. The last one was too old fashioned already. :p

  8. Hi Jane,
    First, I like the new look of your blog. The colour is lovely and sweet and the cupcakes very cute. I find this is the most beautiful blog design you have!
    Beside, really hope can taste the durian cakes! There all look delicious!

  9. Hi Grace,
    Thanks. I also like this new template. Ya, I agree this is so far the nicest one I have, hahaha! ;)
    Oh, hope I can replicate this durian cake. Let me practice first, then next time, I can try to make one for you, okay?

  10. Oh thank you Jane! Once you have master it, I'll definately want to try it out. Cheers!

  11. I love DURIANS tooooo!!!!!!:P Yumyum, next time must jio me to attend such workshop ya :)

  12. Hi Adeline,
    Ok ok. A bit far from your house leh. But I think it's really worth the travelling lah. ;)

  13. Lovely blog. So sweet and homely :) WOW, blogging for 3 years already? Good for you! Those cakes are just divine. I love durian cakes with all my life. All the creations look so fantastic!

  14. Hi Ju,
    Thanks! Needs some nice template to boost up my blog! :p Actually I made a mistake, I was blogging for 2 years only, but seems ages! Ya, the cakes not only looked good, it tastes really good too! Wish I can make them perfect too! ;)

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  16. hello.. may i get the instructor's contact from you? TIA

  17. Nice post and this mail helped me alot in my college assignement. Thanks you as your information.

  18. Hi Quinn,
    Ya, better come back quickly here to enjoy the king of fruits. I understand it's the season now. But I've yet to come across a durian fruit stall with lots of durians yet! :p


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