Monday, July 27, 2009

Cookie Art Workshop 26 Jul 09

The time has arrived...for my first workshop- Cookie Art Workshop @ Sugar Inc. I've been preparing myself for this day to start my workshop. I was rather nervous on that weekend. However, as I've prepared myself rather well, I was able to remain calmed and composed.

Somehow, I think I have. Or at least, I thought I have. Heehee... Anyway, the workshop was rather smooth except for some very minor mishaps, which was under good control in no time. The fortunate thing was, there was no class after my workshop as my workshop had over-run! Good gracious! I think I must've been too long-winded and shared too much! Good? Not very I would think. By the time the participants left was an hour later.

As I was busy helping the participants, I didn't have the time to capture them in action. Only when they were decorating the cookies, then did I steal some time to catch them in action, after having done some washings on. This group of participants were very helpful as I conducted the demonstration, and were very eager to learn.

I must say, for first timers in royal icing decoration, they were pretty good! I hope they have found the workshop useful and learnt the correct techniques in baking the cookies, the royal icing preparation and the decoration. I had a good time sharing with them what I've learnt.

If anyone is interested, there are still limited vacancies available, check out Sugar Inc Workshop Details for more information.


  1. hi jane...yes i would say i have seen n learned wat i wished :) nw is to re-create it @ home :D
    cheers, lena

  2. Hi Lena,
    I'm glad you enjoyed the class. Have fun recreating! :)

  3. hi Jane!!

    I didn't know it's your 1st time teaching!

    yup the cookie class is fun and I learnt alot of tips :D

    but the decorating part is really back breaking for my old bones! hehah

    I love the chocolate cookies recipe *yumyum* and actually with the icing, the whole cookie isn't overly sweet as I thought it will be though. just nice i thought. But my cookies is still soft when I ate them, is it because we didn't bake them slightly longeR? or cos we iced them when they are still warm??

    Hui Xian.

  4. Congrats J on your first lesson. I am still considering, just waiting to see when I can attend, been busy lately...

  5. Hi Hui Xian,
    Thanks for your feedback. I'm glad you like the cookies too!
    Yes, the cookies were slightly underbaked because it was slightly thicker than usual. I should have baked them slightly longer considering the thickness. My apology for this. Hope you can try them out yourself at home!

    Hi Yuri,
    Thanks a lot! I'm also learning through the experience. No worries, take your time. I know you are really bz lately. We'll catch up again! Take care!

  6. Your cookie workshop sure looks fun and very happening!!

    I have given you an award on my blog do check it out :)

  7. Hi Missy,
    Thank you very much for your award. I've already put up mine. Do check my earlier post. I'm very flattered to be given this award again!

  8. omg. sugar cookies are always very pretty!
    but i always find it very tiring to make.
    esp the royal icing of different colours and consistencies.
    looks awesome btw!

  9. Hi felicia,
    Yes, decorated cookies are pretty. It might not necessarily be tiring. When you attend the workshop, the colours are already mixed for you. When you're home, you can make and keep the royal icing in the fridge. This was what I told the participants. Royal icing can be kept and re-use, no worries! It's not tiring at all!


Be free with your mind!