Sunday, July 26, 2009

California Style Bakings 2

The once-a-week baking workshop is really interesting. Last week, we baked the cheesecake. This week, we baked two items - Financiers and Rockies.

For these two items, the bakings are quite straight forward. Therefore, there wasn't much theory, mostly follow the instructions and procedures. These were some of the steps.

Almond Financiers with Fruits and Nuts.

1. Melting the butter.
2. The butter has to be browned.
3. Whisking the egg whites manually.
4. Egg whites is foaming, the stage that is required for the financiers.
5. Pour the egg whites into the flour, and mix thoroughly.
6. Add in the cooled butter and mix completely.
7. Scoop the batter into a piping bag to pipe into the mould.
8. Add prunes and walnuts on top, and press in lightly.

These were my baked financiers sprinkled with icing sugar.

We were given very pretty cookie bag to present our financiers. These were from another group of coursemates.

Macadamia Rockies
Macadamia rockies are actually cookies. It was actually very nice, but too big for our mouth!
Our instructor, Mr. Lim, weighing out the dough to be 30g each.

Baking my "rockies" in the oven.

As I've shaped it too beautifully, it doesn't look rocky, but it does taste damned good!

Lately, I haven't been updating on the wedding cake decoration workshop because we were just too busy preparing the cake before the grand assembling. I was too busy until I just have no time to take pictures. Anyway, on Friday, before we left, one instructor came over to our class and gave us bags of breads. It was "gave", not buy!! Otherwise usually, he will bring over loaves and loaves of white breads and we will buy from him. But this time, he was so nice to bring the breads and gave them to us!

Our instructor, Amy was really very nice to us too! She knew we'll always be looking for food and she will find some breads or buns for us. Last Friday, she actually cooked curry and brought it to the school for us. I'll really miss this batch of coursemates and Amy after the course. i just wish I can continue with some other courses with them again...

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