Sunday, May 10, 2009

Royce? It's Joyce!!

Having attended a few workshops, I must say, the last workshop at Shermay's with Joycelyn's Chocolate Treats, was the best so far. Why? Because out of four recipes, I've successfully made three! That is like 75% passed, and it's Band II already! Hahaha...

Being a great fan of Royce's Nama Chocolates, I was elated when I tried Joycelyn's Truffles au Chocolat. The texture, the taste was exactly like that! It could easily passed off as Nama chocolate! I waited till last week to make this truffles, so that I can give my family a treat, for Mother's Day!

I used the Valrhona Equatoriale Noire 55% Dark Chocolate instead of the original Majari 64%. Then coat it with Valrhona cocoa powder. I only made half the recipe, and has already about 40pcs. Sorry, but I'm unable to share the recipes with all of you. If anyone of you are really interested to make this, I suggest you sign up for this workshop the next time Shermay has again. It's really worth it!

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