Sunday, May 24, 2009

Orange Cinnamon Cake

I realised I really have been lapsing in my posts! There were just so many activities going on, and so many things to blog. But so little time to do the "edits" and the postings!

I made two orange cinnamon cakes-one for my father-in-law and another for my colleague's birthday. The recipe was from Anna's class last week. I simply love this cake. I did without the cream cheese frostings. For my colleague, I put it in a box as a gift. Though the picture looked like it's drawn by a kindergarten child, I thought it was the thought that counts! Hahaha... Looks like I really need a drawing lesson.

Talking about birthdays, last Friday, my dear colleagues and I celebrated our birthdays together. One of my good friend was one day different from me and another friend. So the three of us usually have our yearly birthday bash together. This year, another dear friend (colleague) decided to buy us lunch together! It was really generous and nice of her to do that. We had our "early" birthday bash at Bakerzin as we liked the food and I had their discount card. It was really a wonderful lunch, catching up with one another. Though we are in the same organisation, one of the girl is in in another location. I'll have more birthday celebrations to go! Heehee...;)


  1. Orange cakes look beautiful, I like the small one more....sometimes small is just cute and a light cake is always popular.
    What kind of baking classes/courses have you been attending?

  2. Orange and cinnamon, I think it's such a wonderful combination. I'll like the smell and taste. I think you could open a bakery house very soon! Don't forget about me ya!

  3. Hi Angie,
    Thanks. I'm a big fan of any orange cakes. I'm currently attending a cake decoration course in a baking school. I'm already half way through, so fast.

    Hi Grace,
    Thanks. I'll bake for you next time okay? No lah, I will ask you to joint venture with me. Can't open without you leh! :)

  4. Hi Passion Baker

    May I please request for the recipe on Orange & Cinnamon cake. Hope you can oblige. My email:

    Thank you.


  5. Hi Florence,
    Apologies, I can't oblige to this request. This recipe was taken from Sugar Inc's 2-tier cake workshop. Therefore, I can't provide and can't publish. It won't be fair to the organisation and the rest of the participants who had paid for it. Sorry, this is my principle. Thank you for your understanding. Regards.

  6. I can understand you're not wanting to provide the recipe for the Cinnamon Orange Cake, owing to it's source.

    However, please be more considerate to visitors to your site, by not providing tantalizing information about products you cannot provide the recipe for. I'd rather not be told about a cake, than to be told about it, then told "I have it. And you can't get it."

    Thank you. And I appreciate Your understanding, as well.

  7. Hi Angie,
    Thanks. I'm a big fan of any orange cakes. I'm currently attending a cake decoration course in a baking school. I'm already half way through, so fast.

    Hi Grace,
    Thanks. I'll bake for you next time okay? No lah, I will ask you to joint venture with me. Can't open without you leh! :)

  8. Orange cakes look beautiful, I like the small one more....sometimes small is just cute and a light cake is always popular.
    What kind of baking classes/courses have you been attending?


Be free with your mind!