Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Coffee Swiss Rolls

I'm a big fan of swiss rolls. Give me any flavour, and I'll gladly finished up one. I used to like to eat swiss rolls by slowly taking one end out and munch them till the other end. Just like eating "Nine storey kueh". They seemed to taste better and nicer this way, isn't it? I just realised the last time I made a swiss rolls was in early Feb! That was three months back! I thought I would make them more often than that. The challenge in making a swiss rolls is rolling it "tearfree", "messfree" and beautifully. My swiss rolls are rather unsightly most of the time.

Since I was supposed to have a meeting on Wednesday, I decided to bake some swiss rolls and bring it to the meeting. I was hesitating between a strawberry roll or a coffee roll. Finally, the decision was, coffee roll using buttercream. After I managed to roll them up, there was another decision point, to coat with chocolate or not. Then again, with some coffee buttercream left, I decided to use them all up, so that means, to coat them with chocolate rice.

Ta-rah! The overall look and feel was impressive...even to myself! The cake was really very soft. To further confirm the perfectness of this swiss rolls, all my colleagues just have very good praises for it! Even my boss commented that it's as good as store bought! Wasn't that just encouraging?? That aside, now, if I was asked to replicate this, I think I will have a problem. The problem with me is, I don't measure out my ingredients well. Not those for baking, but those for frostings. I just use "gut-feel". Even addition of coffee and coffee extract to the buttercream, was also not measured. *Aiyah!!* So the next time if I baked again, it'll just have to depend on the accuratenss of my "gut-feel" again! :p

Recipe for Coffee Cake Sheet, extracted from Alex Goh's Creative Making of Cakes

(A) 130g Sugar, 15g Cake emulsifier
(B) 5 Eggs, 130g Cake Flour, 1 tsp Baking powder
(C) 40ml Water, 1 tbsp coffee paste
(D) 85g Melted butter

1. Mix (A) till well blended, then (B) and whip till thickened.
2. Add (C) and continue to whip till light and fluffy.
3. Fold in (D) and mix till well blended.
4. Pour it into a 14" x 18" lined sheet pan.
5. Bake at 190C (or 170C Fan Oven) on the middle rack for 13 minutes.
6. After baking, remove it immediately from the mould. Leave to cool.

Like I mentioned, I really don't know how much buttercream and coffee extract I have used. So rather than to give an estimate that might not really be accurate, you might want to use your quantity based on your preference. I don't fancy a lot of creams, so I don't use a lot. Just enough to blend with the cake taste.


  1. Hi Jane,
    Delicious swiss roll! I love swiss roll too! You've rolled it very nicely!

  2. Hi Grace,
    Thanks! First time I got it nicely rolled up! :)

  3. Hi Jane,
    Your swiss roll looks really good! Twice i had tried making swiss roll but cracked when rolling up. Is it because i didn't put emulsifier?

  4. Hi Divine appointment,
    Thanks. Anyway, it was the first time, after so many attempts, that my swiss rolls looked good! From my own experience, sometimes, if the cake is too thick, baked too long, the cake will cracked with rolled. In fact, mine did cracked a little too! But they got stuffed below. I read somewhere that you can try to use clean towel to roll it up after it had cooled to form the shape first. Then after you have frosted it, it's easier to roll them up too! You can try this method though. It has nothing to do with the emulsifier. Good luck!

  5. Heehee, funny thing, I made chocolate swiss roll with chocolate rice yesterday too! Have not find the time to post it up. ;) Yours looks yummy! ;)

  6. hi HBS,
    Thanks. Saw your chocolate swiss rolls, look thick & rich too! Yummy. Can I have a piece too? :)

  7. hey Jane,
    your swiss roll looks amazing!
    I was just browsing through the recipe and I'm not sure in the step(2) and step(3) does mixing requires an electric mixer?

  8. Hi tracieMoo,
    Thanks. Step 2 needs the electric mixer, but steph 3 must use a spatula to fold in the melted butter.

  9. Hi tracieMoo,
    Thanks. Step 2 needs the electric mixer, but steph 3 must use a spatula to fold in the melted butter.

  10. Hi Jane,
    Delicious swiss roll! I love swiss roll too! You've rolled it very nicely!

  11. Hi Jane,
    Your swiss roll looks really good! Twice i had tried making swiss roll but cracked when rolling up. Is it because i didn't put emulsifier?

  12. wow! this is far the best swiss roll! this is the texture i have been looking for since i used to buy swiss roll from a bakery..thanx thnx for the recipe..definitely a keeper!!!!!!!!!!!

  13. Thanks Danssmb. I'm glad you like the recipe. Me too!


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