Saturday, April 25, 2009

MIA (Missing In Action)?

I have been MIA from baking! Looking back at my posts, I found that I haven't been baking as much as I used to! I wondered what had happened to my baking passion? Wondered if the fire had died down? Can't be! I still love baking as much as before. Perhaps then, maybe because I couldn't find a right recipe to bake? Nevertheless, I can be assured that baking will be less often now, at least for the next few weeks.

The reason was because I had taken up Cake Decoration courses at BITC, known as Baking Industry Training Centre. It's a 8 weeks part time course. We started learning the different strokes of piping using buttercreams. Not so much excitement now, though when the patterns came out pretty nice, it's quite an achievement. Here's the roundup for this week.

I met a student on Friday evening, who was doing the Advance Bread Module at BITC. We happened to chat before the class and I just merely mentioned that I would like to have a bread that she would be baking that day. She mentioned that sometimes they don't get to bake as they need to wait for the dough to proof. Then she left for her class... At the end of my class, she came back with a bag of three buns for me! Isn't she lovely? I was a bit embarrassed as it was merely a casual remark, and she really gave me some. She was really sincere about it! As much as I won't want to accept it, I can't help but smell the aromatic fragrance of the Rosemary & Oregano herbs and I would really want to eat those! These were what I received from her! Don't they just looked yummy?

By the way, BITC is conducting a hands-on workshop on "Basket Posy of Roses" for Mother's Day. I understand you'll get to bring back the whole cake. Here is the detail. [I'm not advertising for them, but I thought this will be interesting to attend if you are interested to learn. I'm attending this too!]


  1. Hey Jane. Wow you certainly have been busy! Where on earth do you find the time and energy to do all that you do?

  2. Awww, your classes sound like so much fun!! Great job piping the buttercream :)

  3. Hi Laureen,
    Ya, had started to be bz with two evening classes now. Err...going for cake decor classes don't need too much energy... just pipe & pipe only. Heehee...

    Hi Elyse,
    Yup, the classes are pretty fun. It'll be more fun when we do the actual cake decor! ;)

  4. Hi Jane,
    I believe that you'll learn lots of things through the course. Enjoy and look forward to read your fantastic post.

  5. Hi Jane,
    U r a serious baker! More great bakes from you soon, i guess ;-)

  6. Hi quizzine,
    Hmm... you mean you're not serious when you bake? :p No lah, just want to improve cake decoration skills. Now very lousy. Heehee...

  7. hi jane,

    i'm interested in the cake deco course too... would like to know if the course accept part-time, wat are the timings like... and need any pre-entry ting??


  8. Hi Baking & Cooking Passion,
    You can check out for the next schedule. It's only part basis, so far, they don't have full time. Currently, my schedule is every Thu & Fri, 6.30pm - 10pm. No prior experience is required for Certificate in Cake Decoration. However, for the Wedding cake decoration, a pre-requisite of Cake Decoration is required. I hope this helps.

  9. icic.. that is very informative!

  10. hi jane,

    i'm interested in the cake deco course too... would like to know if the course accept part-time, wat are the timings like... and need any pre-entry ting??


  11. Hi Laureen,
    Ya, had started to be bz with two evening classes now. Err...going for cake decor classes don't need too much energy... just pipe & pipe only. Heehee...

    Hi Elyse,
    Yup, the classes are pretty fun. It'll be more fun when we do the actual cake decor! ;)


Be free with your mind!