Saturday, March 7, 2009

Chiffon Birthday Cake

I was very nervous. It's like the first time. Actually, it was my first time. In the earlier week, I received a sms from Fiona, requesting me to bake an orange cake. However, I suggested a Blueberry Chiffon Cake instead. She was happier as her friend likes chiffon cakes. As the correspondence through sms evolved, I had to frost the chiffon cake.

*Sweat*Stress* As far as frosting goes, I've never frosted a chiffon before. It was quite challenging for me. And I didn't want to bake a normal chiffon method birthday cake. Since she wanted a chiffon cake with frosting, so I obliged. I've seen chiffons with frosting, so I know it's possible. However, it's still a little stress. On the evening while I was baking the cake, a sms from Fiona came, to remind me about the cake. As the sms correspondence went, it ended up that I must accompanied a bouquet of flowers. Big mouth me, was joking about the flowers, but she wasn't! It's all my fault, nothing to do with Fiona. So since she said my "service" is so good, I had to keep up to her expectation right?

While waiting for the chiffon to cool, I made used of the time to do my "art & craft". A test of skills, creativity and imagination. The end result? There wasn't much skills need, nor creativity nor imagination. Just putting together a few pieces of mini rose (tea) to become mini rose bouquet, nothing new lah! But it was pretty cute though.

So I frosted the chiffon cake with chantilly cream. I was pretty lucky that evening (Thursday night). These were the reasons why.
1) My chantilly cream was just enough, not much wastages.
2) I added violet colourings to the chantilly cream but it CURLED! So I melt white chocolate and added violet colouring for my wordings. Better still, the end result of the colour was ver much like "blueberry" colour!
3) The wordings on the chiffon was just enough, and the words were almost about the same size!

I, personally, love the end result of what I have created for Fiona & her friend. I was supposed to do a hand deliver to her friend the next day (which is across my office building, but in the same company). I'm so proud to have achieved the frostings for a chiffon cake. However, my frostings really still need improvements. It feels good to have someone who believes in you.
Thanks Fiona, for giving the me the opportunity to practice! ;)


  1. Hi Jane

    I must really thank you for helping me to bake this beautiful cake and hand deliver to CY. I love the wordings colour too... very "blueberry"

  2. Hi Fiona,
    Thanks! :) Oh yes, I love the colour of the wordings very much too! It's really very "blueberry"!

  3. Mmm, this looks delicious. I'm all for frosting on a chiffon. And I just love blueberries! Perfect combination!

  4. Hi Jane,
    This blueberry chiffon cake looks really really beautiful! It raise very high and the decoration really pretty!

  5. need a better skill to frost the cake... not really well done.. overall over lah


Be free with your mind!