Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Fried Hokkien Mee

I am home these two days because my children's childcare centre is closed. Thankfully I'm going back to office tomorrow. Heehee... Actually they are not so bad because they usually don't disturb me. They love to play their cars, find some other things to do by themselves. Once a while, they will come to me to ask me something, or to ask me to take something for them. They are just hyperactive!

One child too lonely, two children create havoc, three children are living hell (sometimes)! Especially when they are not on good terms, I'll be a hearful, hearing one complaint after another, until sometimes, I really give up! :< Otherwise, they are really adorable & pretty sensible. The things they said can really surprise and amaze me though!

Since I went marketing this morning, I bought some noodles to cook Fried Hokkien Mee for lunch. A lot of times, my cooking is really dependant on "estimation". I don't usually weigh or count them. This hokkien mee is really easy to cook. Most important is, you must simmered it for quite sometime before the thick yellow noodles get cooked, otherwise, when it's not cooked, the noodles will be hard. When it's cooked just right, it's soft. This type of noodles should be wet, if it's too dry, it won't be nice. Though I'm not an expert in cooking and eating, but somehow when it comes to cooking noodles, I've gain some knowledge. Furthermore, I'm Hokkien, so somehow, maybe it's in the genes?? Heehee...

(1) It should taste better with "sotong". However, my fishmonger forgot to add this into my basket when I bought the fish this morning. So no sotongs in this hokkien mee.
(2) I use KCT Superior Dark Soya Sauce as it is really dark without compromising on the saltiness!
(3) I use Knorr Chicken Stock for this noodles, but I personally prefer Swanson Chicken Stock in 1litre tetra-pak.
(4) If anyone wants the recipe let me know. I don't have the recipe, but I'll try to work it out for you then. ;)

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