Sunday, August 31, 2008

Flaky Yam Mooncakes

Yummy yummy! This is my all time favourite-Flaky Yam Mooncakes with yolk!! Ever since I was introduced to Crown Prince's Yam mooncakes (about a decade ago??) I was hooked onto it. I don't used to like mooncakes when I was young. However, when there were mooncakes at home, I'd helped my mum to finish them bit by bit. Otherwise, none of my sisters like mooncakes. The pieces of mooncakes I took is like one-sixteenth size. I ate for the melon seeds only, and I don't take salted eggs. As we all knew, during the 80s, there were only the normal lotus paste, with or without salted eggs. That limited variety!

Times have changed. There are so many varieties now we're really VERY spoilt for choice. There are the alcoholic, fruits, food etc etc. Still thinking if I should buy mooncakes this year since I've started baking. No traditional baked mooncakes for me, although I like baked green tea mooncakes too!

These flaky yam mooncakes are my proudest bake for these two days' mooncakes! :)

This recipe is extracted from Jo's Deli. Her step by step guide is very good for first timer. Follow it closely and the results will be as good as hers! Good luck for those who wants to try! :)


  1. Hey! Your mooncake looks so gorgeous! I love the shape very much!

  2. Hi Grace,
    Thanks very much for your compliments! *grin* Your baking has always been very pretty too! If Jane can do it, so can Grace! ;) Try it. No moulds required! ;p

  3. Hi Jane,
    Ohhh..thank you so much for the encoragement. I shall try it if I manage to drop by Phoon Huat to get those ingredients. By th way, how to use the termometer? Are you placing it in the oven? I had been thinking to get one but no idea where could get this thing. It's really useful especially for those sensitive temperature baking.

  4. Hi Grace,
    I bought the oven thermomter from PH. It's very easy, just placed it in the back of the oven. Maybe, you can put it in front at the door too! There are always some "blind" spots in the oven where the temperature is cooler than other spots. I placed it right at the back, so the temperature always shows 180C (dial at 180C). When I saw the fan start activating, the temp was at 160C already. Quite cute & cool to have an oven thermometer, especially when you see the temp starts dropping, the fan starts! Heehee... Btw, it cost only about $10, so it's quite ok to invest in one. I bought it at Sims Ave PH. Make a trip to Sims Ave PH, and it'll burnt a hole in your pocket! :p Isn't that a love-hate re'ship?? Hahaha...

  5. Hi Jane,
    Thank you for explaining how to use the termometer. I hope could get one from Jurong East Phoon Huat. It seems like very useful. By the way, may I know how to make the water dough become purple color? I've read the seems like your moon cake looks much prettier than the original one. kekekeke... :P

  6. Hi Grace,
    I added violet colouring to make it prettier, though not as healthy. Her recipe says to put yam paste or colouring. I don't have yam paste, but I have violet colourings. Heehee... Or if you like, put pink or green or blue colourings to make it two-tones. ;)

  7. Hi Jane,
    Thanks for sharing again. You are superb!

  8. Hi Grace,
    You're most WELCOME! Btw, possible for you to give me your email? Easier to go through emails sometimes. My email address is Hope to hear from you! :)

  9. wow, your mooncakes look good! MC is something I never thought of attempting myself. :p My favorite is the hongkong wing wah white lotus paste with double yolks. And like you, I never like/eat mooncake when I was younger.

  10. Hi Mandy,
    Thanks for your compliments. I'm really honoured to be complimented by you! You should try if you like to eat mooncakes. I think I've tried the Wing Wah mc before. I think they do import from HK now, should be selling in Taka if I'm not wrong. It's not cheap though. I'll be looking forward to your next post! :)

  11. Hey! Your mooncake looks so gorgeous! I love the shape very much!

  12. wow, your mooncakes look good! MC is something I never thought of attempting myself. :p My favorite is the hongkong wing wah white lotus paste with double yolks. And like you, I never like/eat mooncake when I was younger.


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