Thursday, August 21, 2008

Green Tea Chocolates

Testing testing some white chocolates with green tea powder, which is equals to Green Tea Chocolates. One of which is a Green Tea Chocolate Swirl!


  1. Hi,
    Green tea chocolate! What a creative product here! I like to try it. But do you have the recipe?

  2. Oh, this green tea chocolate is very very simple. Use white compound chocolate, melt it. Then add green tea powder into it, mix well then pour it into the mould. Put it into the fridge to harden. WO-LA! There you go, green tea chocolate! ;p

  3. muaakkk!!! thank you so much for sharing. I haven't tried to make chocolate myself yet. I shall try it once I buy the compound chocolate. Cheers!

  4. Remember to buy nice moulds okie? ;) Otherwise, put it in the fridge, and wait for it to slightly harden, the use those melon scoop to make it round, like truffles! ;)

  5. Thanks for the good suggestion. Hopefully I could get a nice mould at phoon huat.


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