Thursday, August 21, 2008

Coffee Sponge Cake

My family members have been ill one by one. Last week, my daughter contracted stomach flu. It was very very serious. Anything that goes into her mouth, the next moment, she "merlion"! It was quite tiring taking care of her as she kept complaining her tummy pain, hands pain, feet pain. She not only vomitted but also farted a lot, but cannot pass motion. Her illness lasted for five days. Then Monday evening, my youngest boy vomitted and said his tummy pain.

I didn't think much of it until the following day, Tuesday, where he pass very loose stools, vomitted, had fever and tummy pain. Gosh! It had spread! As warned by my colleague, stomach flu is contagious. But I didn't realised it will be so destructive! On the same night, my hubby said he felt feverish! Gosh! The following day, hubby and youngest boy had to be "quarantined" at home. Hubby was so weak, he went to the doc's and slept the whole day. Youngest boy was quite active despite being ill. I gave him some of my daughter's medicine. As the boy and the girl are twins, and are always together, so quite naturally, they always share everything, good or bad, thick or thin! a couple! :p

So today, home again. Youngest boy still not well. Daughter didn't go to school as we wanted to bring her to see a doc at the polyclinic, due to her inverted eyelashes. Home whole day. Was thinking what to bake today. Finally, I decided to try to bake the Alex Goh sponge cake again.

Instead of baking round cake, I baked a square cake. Cut it into half and put different fillings in them. One is strawberry jam while the other is white chocolate ganache. The cake was quite nice actually, soft.

Recipe for the Coffee Sponge Cake extracted from Alex Goh's "Creative Making of Cakes".
(A): 5 Eggs, 150g Sugar
(B): 120g Cake flour
(C): 1 tbsp coffee paste (I use 1 tbsp coffee paste & 1 tsp coffee extract)
(D): 80g Melted butter

1. Put (A) in the mixing bowl.
2. Whip (A) till light and fluffy.
3. Fold in (B) and mix till well blended.
4. Stir in (C) and mix well before adding in (D) and mix until well incorporated.
5. Pour batter into a 8" round mould. Bake at 180C for 30 minutes.
6. Remove it from the mould immediately when baked.


  1. Hey, we thought of the same thing, white chox ganache, mine failed tho. I should give this recipe a try when kids recover from eating too much chox cake ;)

    Hope yr kids and husband are feeling better now.

  2. Hi,
    Thanks. My kids are much better now, and so is my hubby. :)
    You should try the white chox ganache by adding cream to the white chox. It should work just fine.
    Yes, do give this recipe a try. You can change it to any flavour to your own liking. It's quite easy to bake. :p Good luck!

  3. Hi,
    I love coffee cake. I might try this one day. Thanks for sharing!

  4. Hi,
    You're welcome. It's pretty easy. You can filled it with coffee buttercream and toasted walnuts. I think it will be nice. :p Have fun!

  5. Hi,I think we share the same hobby, I'm crazy about baking & also dreaming to be a pastry chef too !

  6. Hi Ganache-Ganache,
    We not only share the same hobby, we share the same dream too! So are we competitors? Hahaha... When there is competition, there will be improvement! We will motivate each other to strive for our dream okay?
    You can bake very well huh? I saw your blog, very impressive! :)

  7. Hi Ganache-Ganache,
    We not only share the same hobby, we share the same dream too! So are we competitors? Hahaha... When there is competition, there will be improvement! We will motivate each other to strive for our dream okay?
    You can bake very well huh? I saw your blog, very impressive! :)

  8. Hi,I think we share the same hobby, I'm crazy about baking & also dreaming to be a pastry chef too !

  9. Hey there, i was browsing through online for simple & easy to bake sponge cake recipe.
    Can i bake using the pre-mixed sponge cake mix flour from phoon huat? Am thinking of baking a mini mocha version with cocoa powder?

  10. Hi Jorine,
    Yes, you can buy pre-mix sponge cake to do it. Another one is called Optima cake flour from Bake King. I think they produce pretty good sponge cakes. Try it then.


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