Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Cravings for Churros

These few months, I had cravings for churros so badly, I just buy them to satisfy my cravings regardless of where I am. I must say, this little choux pastry is not very cheap. I know that I can make it easily, but I got put off when I had to fry them.
Somehow, the cravings got the better of me. I finally threw in the towel - I made it myself. No regrets for doing it this once. Because after an overdose of making and eating this, it curbed my cravings for a long time now. After searching for a few recipes, I found Martha Stewart's recipe more comfortable to achieve. Although there were blistles on my churros after frying, it was crispy on the outside and very light inside. It's different from the ones I purchased outside, where the inside is dense and thick. I fell in love with this churros immediately. Coat with sugar and cinnamon and it was truly heaven for me. When the next time my cravings return, I shall try with other flavours. But my favourite shall always be the classic - sugar and cinnamon.


Recipe for Churros, adapted from Martha Stewart.


113g Unsalted butter
1 cup Water
2 tbsp Granulated sugar
1/4 tsp Sea salt
1 cup Plain flour
3 large Eggs
Vegetable oil, for frying
Granulated sugar
Cinnamon powder 

In a medium saucepan, combine 1 cup water, butter, sugar, and salt; bring to a boil over medium-high heat. 

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2. Reduce heat to low, and sift in flour, stirring for 1 minute.
3. Transfer flour mixture to bowl of an electric mixer fitted with a paddle attachment. On low speed, add eggs, 1 at a time, beating until incorporated after each addition. [I used a spatula to beat in the eggs one at a time.]
4. Spoon mixture into a pastry bag fitted with a large open-star tip.
5. Heat 3 inches oil in a small pot.
6. Holding pastry bag a few inches above the oil, squeeze out batter, snipping off 4-inch lengths with a knife.
7. Fry, flipping once, until deep golden brown all over, about 4 minutes. 
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8. Using a slotted spoon, transfer churros to a paper towel-lined baking sheet to drain.
9. Roll churros in sugar and cinnamon while still warm. 
10. Serve with chocolate sauce if required.

Enjoy your homemade churros! And say goodbye to storebought ones!


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