Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Hasselback Potatoes

I like to include potatoes in my Christmas baking. Mainly because it's the only source of carbohydrates...and a good natural source too. Usual years, I will bake gratin. However, when I saw Veronica's Hasselback Potatoes, I decided this has got to be the potato for this year!! My children loves Jack's Place baked potatoes, mainly because it has sour cream and bacons. So I knew this can't go wrong. Even if others don't like, I can count on my children! True to it, it was the most popular food on the Christmas table spread! We loved them very much.
Recipe for Hasselback Potatoes, adapted from Peng's Kitchen.
(Makes for 6 persons)

6 Russet potatoes, washed & scrubbed cleanly
8 tbsp olive oil
1 tsp Rock salt
1 tsp Parmesan & Garlic herbs
Freshly grinded black pepper

6 Bacon rashers, pan fried till crisp & brown

150g Cheddar cheese (I mixed 150g cheddar and mozzarella cheese)
200g Sour cream 
2 sprigs Spring onion, chopped


1. Using a shape knife, slice the potatoes thinly without cutting all the way through. Refer to Veronica's picture.

2. Combine olive oil, salt, herbs, and pepper and mix thoroughly.
3. Spread the mixture evenly all over the potatoes.
4. Bake in preheated oven at 200C until the skin is crisp and tender inside, about 45 mins.
5. Meanwhile cook the bacon until crispy and crumble it.
6. Sprinkle the potatoes with the cheese and return to the oven until the cheese has melted, about 10 mins.
7. Top with sour cream, bacon bits and spring onions.
This post is submitted to "My Treasured Recipes #4 - Ho Ho Ho It's Christmas (Dec 2014)" hosted by Miss B of Everybody Eats Well in Flanders and co-hosted by Charmaine of Mimi Bakery House.
This post is linked to "Cook and Celebrate: Christmas 2014" organised by Cook & Celebrate Christmas 2014 hosted by Bake For Happy Kids, Eat Your Heart Out and Domestic Goddess Wannabe.


  1. Hi Jane,
    This looks good, something I should try too, thanks for sharing! And wish you a happy new year!

  2. HI Jane, thanks for linking up! Happy New Year to you and yours!

  3. Hi Jane,

    These hasselback potatoes are great party food! Yum!

    Happy 2015! Thanks for linking with us at Cook and Celebrate!



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