Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Patterned Swiss Rolls

I was drawn by Cathy's pretty giraffe swiss rolls when I first seen it! The patterns on the swiss roll looked really like her giraffe stuff toy! So I decided to try it one weekend. I must say, the swiss roll was really very soft and nice. I frosted with chocolate buttercream, and for the first time, my buttercream-lover sister said the swiss roll was very nice. She asked for more the following week! She hardly asked for swiss rolls. This was the first time. I was pleasantly surprised!
Because of the success of this swiss rolls, I decided to bake the swiss rolls again for a simple "office warming" party for my colleagues in another sub-department. I personalised it for them. For this swiss rolls, I frost it with strawberry jam and chantilly cream. They were really touched and amazed by the customised swiss rolls I made. It was very well received by them! I was elated! I'm sure I'll be making more patterned swiss rolls.

Check out Cathy's blog for lots of patterned swiss roll ideas!


  1. Love your giraffe swiss roll, and sadly to say I've tried patterned swiss roll once but it didn't out nice at all. Your colleagues are lucky to have a baker in the office!

  2. Thanks quizzine! Try Cathy's recipe, it's really good. My patterned also not as good as hers, needs more practice! (means more excuse to bake!)

  3. The giraffe patches on the swiss roll is just adorable, Jane!

    Can't wait to see what other patterns you come up with! :)

  4. Thanks Laureen! I wanted to create some patterns on a swiss roll I made today, but was too lazy to do so! LOL.


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