Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Wholemeal Egg White and Cream Loaf Bread

I must admit, I'm really slacking in updating my blog. Well, actually not really. I have been baking the usual cakes and what-nots, therefore, I found no value add in updating my blog. Okay, my excuses. Pardon me.

I haven't been baking breads or buns for the longest time. I can only conclude that (1) I have other more important bakes (2) there isn't enough time for the bread process. Okay, enough of my excuses.

I'll just have to admit that this is a backlog. I made this Egg White and Cream Loaf Bread a couple of weeks back. Thanks to HBS for sharing the recipe. The bread was really soft, and there was a slight hint of cream/milk taste in it. To make myself less guilty, I used some wholemeal flour too!
[Pardon the colours on my photos. I'm still trying to find a suitable white balance for my lousy fuji film camera. o_o"]

I also want to share that quite sometime back, my dear friend, Doris, gave me some of her home-made chocolate pasta. Yes, it's chocolate pasta!! I really love the chocolate taste in the pasta, it's so chocky and it went well with the cream! It left a chocolate after taste, which made me think about it after I had them! I'll have to say, she gave me all the necessary ingredients, and I just have to follow her instructions to cook and eat! Thanks Doris! Now, I'll just have to convince my hubby to let me buy the pasta maker...  I shall make it my birthday wish, so that he cannot reject me! LOL!


  1. I have never made any loaf before. But yours looks good@

  2. Thanks Nasyrah!

  3. Glad that you love the loaf recipe. I guess we can all do away from the yolks when possible. ;) Wow, chocolate Pasta?? Yum! I hope Doris post up the recipe soon.

    1. Yes, great loaf! I don't know if Doris will post up the recipe though. :p

  4. chocolate pasta? So interesting! Jane, pasta maker is not expensive. Alan, me & Eelin all bought from Siah Huat. You should buy last year during your US trip, it is extremely cheap there! ;)

  5. Yes, it's really very nice Cathy. I didn't think of buying last year. :( I know it's not expensive, but my hubby said "outside so cheap, why must make yourself?"

  6. Chocolate pasta! I read about it but never had the guts to do it. Perhaps time to bring out my machine and get clanking!

    I love how your bread turned out. so soft looking.

  7. Wow, i love the shape of your bread and the texture looks so fluffy! My hands are itching now :D

  8. The shape of the bread looks very cute! and definitely so soft and fluffy !

  9. Thanks Edith. Do try this bread when you have the time.

  10. Thanks quizzine.

  11. Hahaha... looks cute? Thanks Joyce!

  12. hahaha, you tell yr hubby it is more fun making yrself ma~ how to make choco pasta? add cocoa powder ah? :P

  13. It looks so wonderful that I can smell it and am ready to taste it.

  14. Wow! Great bread, Jane! With egg white too... Must bookmark.

  15. Exactly. At least I can churn out pasta flavours that cannot be found outside right? :p
    Ya, I suppose chocolate pasta is just add cocoa powder.

  16. Yes, it's really soft. Another great way to use up your remaining egg whites!

  17. Thanks Juicer.

  18. Jane, I know exactly what you mean about updating your blog. I am feeling that right now ... sigh! But heh you have posted a great bread recipe .. and it looks so soft and fluffy! KIV already.


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