Saturday, February 18, 2012

Birthdays and Cupcakes

I was delighted when Grace approached me to bake something for her dear son's first birthday celebration. We discussed some concepts and finally, I decided to bake fondant cupcakes as a goodie bag for her guests.

I also made mini chocolate cupcakes to be shared with her guests. I was glad she liked it. With the same chocolate cupcakes, I also gave my sister for her birthday celebration too! One recipe, many decorations!


  1. What a scrumptious website!
    Hi there, I'd like to introduce you to
    And here is the Facebook page:
    Our fans would surely love to see you upload a few birthday cake recipes if you would like.
    All the best and best baking wishes,

  2. Each and every single cupcake looked so beautiful in their own right! But I'm a chocoholic so the icing topped choco cupcakes look the most yummy!

  3. Thanks Janine! I also love the choc cupcake with the chocolate frostings!

  4. You did a great job!


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