Wednesday, October 5, 2011

PSLE is finally over!

After mugging extra hard for the past few months days, I'm so glad PSLE (Primary School Leaving Examination) is finally over! Since my son didn't take Higher Chinese, he enjoyed his "off day" today! It was truly a cause for celebration! Thank you to all my (blogger) friends who has sent your well wishes to us him!

My son and I had been waiting for this day. It also meant that my part-time work schedule has come to an end! For the past six months when I was working part-time, I enjoyed my day off very much. Mornings were spent baking, whereas afternoons were spent on coaching my son. Despite getting scolded by me often, he was very appreciate of me taking part time to coach him, and preparing him for the exams. He thanked me numerous times for teaching him. It just showed that he has really grown up, become more sensible and matured now.

For those who has gone through PSLE with their child(ren), would have known the standard of our PSLE.  It was truly a struggle for both of us. Through this experience, I have learnt my lesson. I have to start preparing my twins for their PSLE!! I'd rather be the usual kiasu parent now, then to regret not coaching them well for their PSLE!

After working hard for the past few months, it's time to rest & relax! We'll be going for our well-deserved holiday end of this week, just the three of us! Hope to catch up on my baking again after I return! My hands are "itchy" already!

Here's a sneak preview of where I'll be heading... Till then, see you again when I'm back!
Here's wishing our young generation
A Happy Children's Day!


  1. Jane, relax and enjoy your holiday with your kids :)

  2. Thanks Grace! Will enjoy to the fullest! :)

  3. Enjoy your break you deserved it! Give a pat to your boy too for he worked hard too. Now go rest and relllllaaaax!

  4. Thanks Anncoo. Will enjoy!

  5. Thanks Edith. Yes, he definitely deserved the pat and the holiday. We will definitely enjoy our trip!

  6. great


Be free with your mind!