Friday, May 20, 2011

Steam Pandan Coconut Rice Cakes

This week is totally out of work for me. I had scheduled for an operations for my precious daughter. When she was born, she had lower eyelashes growing inwards. The medical term is called Entropion - is the turning in of the edges of the eyelid (usually the lower eyelid) so that the lashes rub against the eye surface. Long term, it will cause cornea dryness and irritation, which may increase the risk of Cornea abrasionsCornea ulcers and eye infections. One of the treatment is to have surgery to correct the position of the eyelids. A couple of years ago, she was referred to KKH Specialist for her eye condition. The doctor did mention about the operation, as an option, to us though. However, at that time, she was still very very young, we didn't want her to go through the operation.

Then early last year, when she entered primary school, the health check referred her to Refraction Clinic. After the check in Refraction Clinic, she was highly recommended to wear spectacles. When we brought her to an optometrist, he strongly encouraged us to send her for an operation. He told us that her cornea has been very badly scratched, if  such continue, she might go blind in her later years. That scared us! The seriousness of going blind wasn't mentioned to us when we brought her to KKH. And for her condition, the optometrist had to prescribe a transition lens. Her astigmatism was over 300 degrees. He said that under such condition, she will be very sensitive to lights, therefore, it'll be better for her to wear transition lens. A letter from the optometrist had to be given to the school for her to wear transition lens as mandatory, and not for beauty purpose.

Since then, we made appointment to go back to KKH to review her condition and requested for an operation. The date had been scheduled, and finally, she undergone the operation. She was put through the general anesthesia. I hope that after the operations, her eye problem will be a history. I shall spare the details of the operations.

On the 3rd day, the stitches actually came out itself...notice the yellowish "thread"?
Since I was home for the past two days, I decided to steam some cake. After I bought the "Magic Steamed Cake" by Alex Goh, I've not tried any of the recipes. So this is the best opportunity to do some steaming instead of baking. I decided on the steamed rice cake. However, since I still have my pandan leaves and coconut cream, I made Pandan Coconut Rice Cakes. I found that the coconut was a tad too faint. The taste was rather subtle. I will like it to be richer though. I will increase the coconut cream by at least another 50g in future.
Recipe for Steamed Pandan Coconut Rice Cakes, modified from "Magic Steamed Cake".
(Makes approx. 18 regular cupcakes. Mine was of various sizes)

195g Rice flour
80g Plain flour
50g Pandan juice
80g Coconut cream
200g Water
30g Brown sugar
80g Fine sugar
3 tsps Baking powder

  1. Mix all the ingredients together. Mix well till no lumps.
  2. Pour into the cupcake mould till about 90% filled. You may lined the cupcake moulds. For me, I brushed the moulds with oil.
  3. Steamed on medium high for about 23mins.
The day before my daughter's operation, it was a public holiday. In order to avoid crowded places before her ops, we spent a lazy day at home. I made dinner for my family. The dinner include tomato rice wrapped in omelette, grilled cheesy dory fish and spicy fries. Besides the store-bought spicy fries, the rest were specially cooked by me. Though there were quite a fair bit of work, the healthy combination was truly worth the effort!


  1. Eileen@hundred eighty degreesMay 20, 2011 at 8:30 PM

    She is really a brave girl! Have a speedy recovery.

  2. Thanks Eileen. She is recovering very well!

  3. Your steamed cakes look good. I love the cheesy dory fish too ;)

  4. Speedy recovery to your dear daughter. ;)

  5. Thanks Cathy. I love lots of cheese on the fish too!

  6. Thanks HBS! She is recovering well.

  7. awwww...I hope shes much better now....Its best to get teh operation and no worries about the condition anymore. btw, I bet she loved the cakes though :))

  8. Glat to see fast recovery on the pictures and best wishes to your daughter!

  9. Yes, I agree. Thanks for your well wishes too!

  10. I am sure she will get well very soon. God bless her!

  11. Thanks Sonia!

  12. say huh?? what in the world is pandan juice and where do you get it and how do you measure out grams... this is soo confusing, omg

  13. Hi angelgirl,It's "screwpine leaves" if you don't know. I don't know where you are staying, try the Chinatown in your town. In Asia, we measure by grams. You can try to convert it to cups.


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