Monday, March 21, 2011

Red Bean Wholemeal Buns

Using the same dough recipe as my Mushroom & Cheese Buns, I made some Red Bean Buns last weekend. The red bean were left over from making the mochi.
I managed to make 13 buns. I usually make quite a lot on Saturdays so that I can give some to my parents and my siblings. I used 25g red bean paste for each dough. Rolled them up like swiss rolls and flatten them. Then cut 3 slits in the centre, and twist them. Then, let them proof. I brushed them with milk and sprinkle black sesame seeds on it before baking. After baking, I realised each of them have their own designs, quite unique actually.
[Afternote: I realised 25g of red bean paste is not enough. Feedback from my siblings is that red bean paste not prominent. Therefore, it'll be better to increase it to 40g per dough to have that real red bean taste!]


  1. Hi Jane! Visiting your site always makes me wanna leap into the kitchen and start baking bread. It has been way too long since I last made a loaf.

    These look really good- I love the swirls of red bean paste peeking through the slits :)

  2. *thumbs up* i love the bread! is so lovely! i've not even get my hands on bread making! must learn from you already :D

  3. looks delicious! I can imagine the fragrance when they come out piping hot from the oven...must taste really good!

  4. I always love red bean but it was not fancied by my kids. So I also can drool on yours.

  5. Hi Cathy,

    Hi Laureen,
    Thanks! I also like the swirls of the red bean paste.

    Hi Sweetylicious,
    Aw! I'm still no good in bread making. Can't teach you. :p

  6. Hi Jean,
    Ya, I love the fragrance of freshly baked breads!

    Hi Edith,
    What a pity! Otherwise, you would have bake lovely red bean buns too!


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