Monday, March 7, 2011

A bowl of noodles that was (almost) fatal!

Last Sunday, my hubby and I brought my daughter to Tebrau City, at JB. It was a way to reward her for achieving band "I"s in all her three subjects during the recent Modular Assessments. It was our usual monthly groccery shopping at JB.

As we set off pretty early, the jam was still bearable. We were at Aeon Tebrau City by 11am. Being early, we went for our foot massage. I also treated my daughter to the foot massage. She always like the neck and shoulder massage I gave her occasionally. So I thought foot massage should be harmless to a little girl. As expected, she enjoyed the whole of the 60mins treatment and playing my iPod at the same time. See how much she was enjoying?
After our massage, we went to our favourite chinese restaurant for lunch. I ordered a bowl of rice wine noodles and other dishes. When my noodles was served, I can smell a very strong alcohol in it. I commented to my hubby that I like this type of rice wine, and it reminded me of my confinement when I took lots of these in my food.
After eating, I can feel my face flushed. My whole body was feeling hot. And I could see rashes on both my arms, and my fingers and palm were totally red! Even my blood vessels were protruding out onto my skin. It was quite a scary sight. Despite this, I still moved on. We walked to Watson. Then my daughter said she had stomach pain, wanted to go to the restroom. So I brought her there. While she was doing her business, I started to feel nausea (who wouldn't be in such environment right?) Then my stomach began to churn.

By then, my daughter was already cleaning herself. The vomit was already up into my mouth. I used my hand to cover my mouth, and the other hand to point to my girl, for her to get up from the toilet bowl. She took my que and followed suit. Very quickly, I threw up into the toilet bowl. I felt really terrible at that moment. She was stunned, and stood beside me, awaiting my instructions. When I was done, we left the cubicle.

She was holding on to me. She told my hubby I vomitted. He asked if I was okay. I told him after vomitting, I felt better. I was wrong! As we walked further, I could feel my stomach churning really bad. Then I decided I'd better go the restroom first, to avoid throwing up in the shopping centre. My hubby and my daughter waited for me outside.

When I was at the restroom, there was a long queue. I was feeling really terrible at that moment. I leaned against the wall while I was waiting. Suddenly, I was unconscious! The next moment, I realised I had started to open my eyes. The vision was very blur. I can vaguely see those ladies in the queue all turning towards me. I heard voices that said "she fainted?" "She fainted!" And I even hear a man's voice that said "she fainted?" Then I realised I was sitting on the floor, and so was my bag. Next moment, I picked up my bag, then tried to get up. A lady behind me helped to hold me up.

She was very kind. She asked if I wanted to make a call. I just looked at her. She continue to ask if anyone was with me and if the person was outside. I only have strength to nod my head. She asked me what do I want to do. I said I wanted to vomit. She brought me into the restroom. Unfortunately, all the cubicles were occupied. I waited for a while. Then suddenly, I began throwing up again. I couldn't control myself anymore. At that moment, a cubicle was free, and she immediately led me in. While inside, I vomitted much more. It was really like a merlion, non-stop and all my lunch!

Suddenly, I heard my hubby knocking on the cubicle door. I was rather relieved when I opened the door! He looked very concern and worried. He asked how I was feeling. I told him I should be alright. I just needed to clean up a little. I stayed in the cubicle to clean up while he waited outside the restroom. My daughter was with the kind lady in the restroom, waiting for me. Then they went out with me. My hubby led me to a seat nearby and asked me to rest. The two ladies and their male friend were outside, waiting to assist us again. The man had alerted the Customer Service during the saga. He had advised us to seek medical attention if need to. I was very grateful to the three of them and thanked them continuously. My hubby also thanked them for their kind assistance. Then they left.

Moments later, they came back again with two customer service officers. They spoke in malay, which I don't quite understand. They also realised I don't understand, then they said "Chinese herb". To that, I just replied okay. So all of them left. After sometime, the two customer service officers came back with a bottle of medicated oil and cup of lukewarm water. I used the medicated oil to rub on my temples and my neck. My hubby and the customer service officers also helped to apply the oil on my head and legs. After finishing the water, we thanked them and they left.

My hubby was still very concerned. He asked me to rest further. I told him I felt like sleeping and rested on his shoulder. I rested for another 20mins before I told him I'm well enough to walk. As my daughter wanted to eat ice-cream, we went to the Jusco supermarket to buy an ice-cream for her. I also bought myself a mochi bread as I was feeling hungry from all those vomitting! Then my hubby asked me again if I can move around. I told him I was still feeling a little dizzy. He said I'd better not walk anymore. He suggested that we head straight home after my daughter finished her ice-cream.

After she finished her ice-cream, I told him I was truly well enough to buy the grocceries. We went through the supermarket aisles quickly and took what we wanted. I also went to buy some bread and donuts for my children. Then we head home. Throughout the journey, I closed my eyes and went to sleep.

It was a traumatic experience for me. When I recalled and think more, I thought my blood vessels could have burst due to the fast pumping of the heart and I could have lost my life there and then! It was so scary just to think about it. However, I'm glad that I am recovering well from this.

Fortunately for me, there were three kind Malaysians who had helped me. And thanks to my hubby for showering me with his TLC. Also to my daughter who stood by me and was so concerned. She said her day turned out to be okay only. I asked her why, as I would expect her to be happy because of the massage and the ice-cream she had. However, she said because I fainted and vomitted, it was two bads vs two goods, therefore, it was only okay. *_*"


  1. Hey Jane,
    What a scary moment you and your family had! You were fortunate that the people were kind and helpful! Perhaps something in the food didn't agree with your stomach. It could be a mild form of food poisoning! Glad that you overcame it. Hope you have been to the doctor just to make sure. Take care!

  2. Oh dear, I am glad you are alright. Was it food poisoning or the alcohol in the noodle? Luckily you met kind hearted folks. Take care.

  3. Thanks Judy.
    It was truly scary. And yes, I was really lucky! Otherwise, my bag could have been stolen with three passports! Then we would have been strangled! I just don't want to think about it! It must have been my intolerance to alchol that caused all these. My nurse friend advise me to drink more water to hydrate. I didn't see a doctor though, but will continue to monitor my condition. Thanks for your concern.

  4. Thanks Edith. I was sure it wasn't food poisoning. I'll just continue to monitor and drink more water.

  5. oh dear! i think is food allergy or maybe too much alcohol? that's what happen to my skin when either one happened. luckily there's kind souls to help and loving family by your side (: take good care of yourselves! (:

  6. Thanks Jasmine. Just realised that I'm very intolerant to alcohol.

  7. That was a scary experience. Hope you are feeling okay now =)

  8. I got a shock when i knew that!! Thank god you are ok.

  9. hi there

    i am your fan in baking and follow closely on ur blog..

    i am concern how you feeling now? Did you see a doc? try to drink more water to clear the "toxin"

    I hope you have already recover, and wont experience this anymore.

    God Bless you :)

  10. Must have been food poisoning but it reacted really fast, though. Hope you saw a doctor after you got back. Take care.

  11. Hi Idly Dee,
    Thanks very much for dropping by and your concern. I'm recovering well today. I didn't see a doc though. Will continue to monitor my situation.

    Hi Shirley,
    You reckon it was food poisoning? I thought it was my intolerance to the alcohol that caused all these! Thanks for your concern.

  12. are you allergic to something in the food? If it's food poisoning, I don't think the effects will be so fast. Anyway you're a strong woman, still can go marketing as if nothing has happened after you vomitted!

  13. oh dear, glad you are ok! Fortunately you did not knock your head when you fainted. Maybe the food you have eaten (before and after the noodle) somewhat cause an allergic reaction. Take care!

  14. hey Jane,

    sounds like a horrifying experience. I though it was a case of food poisoning cos it sounds like it. Could be the alcohol also. Do be careful in future.

  15. Sounds scary! But thank goodness you are alright. :) plus there's kind ppl and your hubby around. :) be more careful trying new food next time.

  16. Thanks lots dear friends. From this horrifying experience, I've learnt my lessons. It could be a combination of the herbs and the alcohol that caused a reaction. I just realised that too! I'll be very careful in future.

  17. Hi, Glad u are ok already. Could it be that after you massaged, u shouldn't take noodles with alcohol? It might have effect on your body. I suggest you should ask the masseur about it.

  18. Hi delia,
    Thanks very much for your concern. I really don't know what happened. It could really be a combination of those. When I go back there again, I'll ask the restaurant, and the masseur.

  19. Hi, Glad u are ok already. Could it be that after you massaged, u shouldn't take noodles with alcohol? It might have effect on your body. I suggest you should ask the masseur about it.

  20. hey Jane,

    sounds like a horrifying experience. I though it was a case of food poisoning cos it sounds like it. Could be the alcohol also. Do be careful in future.

  21. are you allergic to something in the food? If it's food poisoning, I don't think the effects will be so fast. Anyway you're a strong woman, still can go marketing as if nothing has happened after you vomitted!

  22. I got a shock when i knew that!! Thank god you are ok.


Be free with your mind!