Sunday, February 27, 2011

Golden Crown Raisins Buns

I took half a day leave on Friday so that I can revise some work with my elder son. I thought of going to his school to pick him up after his lessons, only to realise that my dad has plan to bring him out for lunch. Luckily I managed to coordinate so that none of us actually needed to wait in vain. This is how fortunate my eldest son is. My dad picks him up from school at least once a week, and brings him out for lunch.

Previously, my dad will coordinate with me, and "sort of" ask my "permission" to bring my son out after school. However, lately when my son started to take public transport to and fro school, and having his own handphone, both of them coordinate between themselves. I was not kept in the loop. It was only this year, when he is in P6, then we got him a mobile phone. Yes, we had no choice now because we want him to be contactable since he is taking public transport everyday. Otherwise, we will still prefer not to give him a mobile phone. He is the last person in the class to own his own mobile phone.

Anyway, since I was waiting for my son to come home, I decided to bake some buns for breakfast for the following day. I made the Golden Crown Raisin Buns from Baking Code by Alex Goh. I had prepared the overnight sponge dough the night before. So I was ready then.
While the dough was proofing, I was scolding my son. Despite giving him a proper schedule to follow everyday, he didn't follow them, and didn't attempt the assessment books that I bought for him. I was enraged! I blew my top. I wondered how to motivate a person like him. Most of the time, I left him to do his own work. I didn't want to disturb him as he always say I'm very naggy. Leave him alone, he didn't do the work. Check and tail him all the time, he'll find me naggy. I really don't know what to do. It's just so hard and difficult to coach him. I really wondered how I am going to survive the next 7 months before his PSLE!

Anyway, back to the buns that I made. Instead of plain flour, I substitute it with wholemeal flour. I also added some fresh dill to give it a little herby taste. The dill was very mild and subtle. The buns turned out to be really soft, dense and sweet. I like it better when I can taste the dill.
Recipe for Golden Crown Raisins Buns, extracted from "Baking Code"
(Makes 10 normal buns)

Overnight Sponge Dough
100g Bread flour
60g Water, room temperature
1/4tsp Instant Yeast

1. Mix the instant yeast with 20g water until well-blended. Add in the remaining ingredients and knead to form a dough.
2. Let it proof for 30mins.
3. Wrap with cling fil and keep in the refrigerator overnight or up to 48hours.

Bread Dough
400g Bread flour
100g Wholemeal flour
20g Milk powder
65g Sugar
6g Salt
11g Instant yeast

150g Overnight sponge dough

2 Cold eggs
230g Cold water

90g Unsalted butter

220g Raisins
Some chopped fresh dills

1.  Mix (A) until well blended. Add in (B) and (C), mix to form a dough.
2. Add in (D), mix to form a smooth and elastic dough.
3. Add in (E), mix until well-blended.
4. Cover it with cling film. Allow it to proof for 60mins.
5. Divide the dough equally into 10 pcs. Mould it round. Place 7 pcs of dough around the sides of a greased 9" round pan, and the rest on the greased 6" round pan.
6. Let it proof for another 60mins.
7. Egg wash the surface and bake it at 180C for 20mins.


  1. Jane, this is so nicely baked! it look so delicious too (:

  2. Jane, I know how you feel. Leave them alone, they can't do the job. Mothered them, they find us naggy. We don't win at all. So sometime I wonder how the win win situation works?

  3. The buns look so good.
    Sigh.. it's hard to manage kids nowadays right?
    I face 13 year olds almost everyday when I was still teaching.
    It's not easy.

  4. The buns are so soft! My son is getting only 3 years old already give me lots of headache...thinking of what you experience, I think I still hv a long way to go :(

  5. your buns look so delicious and fluffy! I'm shocked when u said your son is the last person in his class to get a handphone. I didn't know pri sch children all have handphone now? During my time, I waited till JC before I get a pager duh...

  6. Hi Sweetylicious,
    Thanks. My oven heat is always so hot it makes my egg wash looked like roasted! Hahaha...

    Hi Edith,
    Whenever you post about your son in FB, I can understand how you feel towards your son too! I'm sure there is a win-win situation, except that we've not discovered it yet. I believe I'll have more tough years ahead, as I believe secondary school children are even more difficult to manage! :(

    Hi Wendy,
    I can't imagine managing so many 13-year-olds! I cannot imagine myself to be a teacher! I'll probably go bizarre! Luckily you quited! What a wise decision!

  7. Hi Ah Tze,
    You still have a long way to go. Also, not all boys are so difficult to manage. Don't worry too much first.

    Hi Jean,
    Thanks. Times have changed. My son is considered one of the outdated one to get his phone now. If you look around, lower primary kids already have their own phones. Not only that, they owned iPhones boy! You'll be shocked!

  8. Hi Jane. These sound really good, especially with the dill!

    Anyway the boys I grew up with were all like your son- unfocused and more than happy to be outside playing than face the books. They have since- my darling boyfriend included- really learnt to get their priorities straight and grown up perfectly okay so don't lose heart with your son :)

  9. Jane, when my two girls were in P6, they never completed any of the assessment books I bought for them. Don't worry, the teachers will dump a lot of homework when the time comes. Lots of them because the teachers got to answer if their students don't perform! Relax and bake more!

  10. What an unusual combi! I would never have thought of pairing raisins with dill. Nice!

  11. The first semester tests must be coming...sometimes when I look back at my own childhood and compare it with the way kids behave today, I feel damn proud of myself. I was self motivated enough and my parents pretty much left me alone... and oh, my mum definitely did not have to bake these buns to make me happy.

  12. Oh no, nowadays kids seem so difficult to manage :( Hopefully everything will turn out fine!
    The bun looks very soft and fluffy, can I have one pls?

  13. The bun looks soft & fluffy! Mine in P3 also always give me a headache too *sigh* some more choosy on which chapter he prefer to do.

  14. Jane, stay cool ya! I think kids will understand your effort when the days come.
    Btw the buns look soft and delicious. Happy baking ya...:)

  15. Lovely buns, looks so soft & yummy!

  16. I love raisin bun spreading with thick layer of butter, yum! Jane, you have baked the buns perfectly, looks so tempting.

  17. Sounds like what I am going thru all these years! I used to monitor my kids like hawks! Fortunately, they don't find me naggy, and by the time my elder son was in P6, I slowly let go and didn't have to watch over him constantly. Just hang on there, I am sure in time to come, your boy will be an independent learner.

  18. Thank you very much for all your wonderful words, dear blogger friends. I just have to be more patient. I guess it's just part of a growing phase for my son. I'm sure he'll grow more sensible in time to come!

  19. Sounds like what I am going thru all these years! I used to monitor my kids like hawks! Fortunately, they don't find me naggy, and by the time my elder son was in P6, I slowly let go and didn't have to watch over him constantly. Just hang on there, I am sure in time to come, your boy will be an independent learner.

  20. Hi Jane. These sound really good, especially with the dill!

    Anyway the boys I grew up with were all like your son- unfocused and more than happy to be outside playing than face the books. They have since- my darling boyfriend included- really learnt to get their priorities straight and grown up perfectly okay so don't lose heart with your son :)


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