Saturday, January 15, 2011

Pound Cakes Revisited

I cannot resist pound cakes when I see one, especially those beautifully baked pounds. Even though I have my own foolproof pound recipes, I'm always tempted to try new recipes.

When I saw NEL with her Fruit & Nut Pound Cake, I cannot resist it. So I baked one loaf. It was exactly like what she described - moist, but not heavy, buttery but not overpowering!
As if baking one wasn't enough. Two days later, I used the same recipe and baked a Chocolate Chip Pound Cake for breakfast. This time, I think I overbaked it slightly as I was using a smaller loaf pan. Even so, the taste was also very good. I replaced 15g cake flour with cocoa powder and added 120g chocolate chips but omitted the fruits and nuts. Do try this recipe if you have craving for some pound cakes (just like me!)


  1. Very tempting! I love pound cakes but as its name suggest, I'll probably put on pounds after eating.

  2. I love pound cake too! I've bookmarked this from NEL post, would like to make this probably after CNY.

  3. Nice cakes...I'll like to try the fruit and nut pound looks yummy!

  4. Hi NEL,
    Thumbs up!

    Hi busygran,
    Ah, that was why I only have a small little piece and gave half away! :p

    Hi Anncoo,
    Thanks for dropping by! I would love to see you baking this. I'm sure it'll be fantasically nice!

    Hi Reese,
    Yes, fruit and nuts sounds really right hor?

  5. Hi NEL,
    Thumbs up!

    Hi busygran,
    Ah, that was why I only have a small little piece and gave half away! :p

    Hi Anncoo,
    Thanks for dropping by! I would love to see you baking this. I'm sure it'll be fantasically nice!

    Hi Reese,
    Yes, fruit and nuts sounds really right hor?

  6. I love pound cake too! I've bookmarked this from NEL post, would like to make this probably after CNY.


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