Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Birthday Party

Last week was a hectic week for me. It was all about planning, preparing and baking for my three children's party on Sunday. There were so much preparation and baking to be done. We also ordered food from various places. These were the food we had for the birthday party.

Fried Bee Hoon (B)
Fried Chicken Wings (B)
Fish Balls (B)
Fried Fish Ball Wanton (B)
Siew Mai (B)
Curry Vegetables
Mini Double Chocolate Cupcakes (from The Batter Baker)
Mini Cream Puffs
Mini Salmon Pies
Oreo Cheesecake
Lemongrass drink & Soft drinks
Those in (B) were store-bought, while the rest were prepared by myself, except the curry vegetables which my helper cooked it.
These were my baking schedule:

Day zero (0) minus (-) 4 : Baked 24 Double Chocolate Cookies (for goodie bag)

Day 0 - 3 : Baked 2 10" Oreo Cheesecakes
Day 0 - 2 : Baked 110 Mini Choux Pastries

Day 0 - 1 : Baked 132 Mini Double Chocolate Cupcakes in the morning. Then prepared 90 Mini Cream Puffs in the afternoon.
Day 0 : Baked 50 Salmon Pies and decorated Oreo Cheesecakes.

Unfortunately for me, the Salmon Pies weren't too well received by the children. But the adults loved it though. I personally love the salmon pies. There was a lot of preparation and work that went into this pie. I baked the salmon fillets in silicon paper to retain the moisture of the fish. Then I flaked them into the aluminium cups and added the rest of the ingredients. Topped them up with buttered mashed potatoes and shredded mozarella cheese. Bake it and serve. There were so much food leftover after the party!
Recipe for Salmon Pies
(Makes 50 small pies)

Baked Salmon
700g Salmon Fillet, skinless, cut into 3 pieces
1 Lemon zest
3 Lemon slices
Some salt and ground black pepper

1. Marinate the salmon fillets with lemon juice from the lemon slices, zest, salt and pepper.
2. Place each of them on silicon baking paper, and place one slice of lemon on each salmon. Wrapped up like a parcel.
3. Place them on a baking tray, bake at 200C for 23mins.
Mashed Potatoes
1kg Russet Potatoes, washed and peeled
100g Butter

1. Cut the potatoes into smaller pieces.
2. Placed it in a pot of water and boil until soft.
3. Mashed it and mix well with butter. Leave aside.

White Sauce
500g Whole milk
80g Butter
50g Plain flour
Some salt & ground pepper to taste

1. Put all the ingredients into a saucepan to cook.
2. Stir until the mixture has thicken, then remove from heat.

Salmon Pie
Baked salmon
2 big Portebello Mushrooms, chopped into small cubes
2 stalks Celery, chopped into small cubes
1 packet of fresh Dill
250g Shredded Mozzarella cheese
White sauce
Mashed potatoes

1. Flake the salmon into each aluminium cups. Place some dill on top of the salmon. Then add celery and mushrooms.
2. Add mozzarella cheese. Then add one tablespoon of white sauce into the cup.
3. Top up with mashed potatoes and add some cheese.
4. Repeat the process for the rest of the cups.
5. Bake in the oven at 190C for 25mins, or until top is browned.
6. Best if served immediately.

I'll share the Oreo Cheesecake recipe in my next post. Watch for it.


  1. your children are lucky to have you as their mom! what an extensive feast they have at the party!

  2. Thanks Jean! I guess all parents are the same too! :)

  3. Jane, mostly are my favourite food, wish I can be there to help finish the food :P. Where is the decorated oreo cheeesecake? Is it the birthday cake? Happy belated birthday to your children.

  4. Haha Jess. These were very unhealthy foods! Yup, should've asked you to come and help me finish them up, there were a lot of leftovers.
    Yes, oreo cheesecake is the birthday cake, as requested by my son. I'll post it up in my next post. Thanks for your well wishes!

  5. You are supermum! What a wonderful spread of party food! The mini cream puff, choc cupcakes and pies look so yummy! Happy belated birthday to your kid!

  6. Thanks Wen! Most of the recipes I used were good! I just had to stick to foolproof recipes! Hahaha...
    Thank you for your well wishes!

  7. What a spread. Wish I had been there to taste all that food! The pies look and sound good!

  8. Thanks zurin! These foods can't beat those truly homemade ones! :p

  9. Oh wow, what a feast! What a way to outdo yourself with that mindboggling array of desserts and salmon pie, Jane! Happy belated birthday to your kids, by the way :)

  10. Happy belated birthday to your children and they must be proud of you. :) You are really great and can prepare such a big feast with varieties of food there. All looks yummy & delicious.

  11. Wow such a nice buffet spread...I like home-cooked food.

    I can't imagine...you have baked 300 items!! It's such a tedious and tiring job, 佩服佩服。 U are a great mum and of course a great baker.

  12. Hi Laureen and DG,
    Thank you very much for your well wishes! I suppose anyone can done that with careful planning. :)

    Hi Angel,
    Thanks! You could have done that too! I can bake well thanks to the good recipes that I have! :)

  13. WOW! You are such a capable women! I know there are some foods not preparing by you but there are still plenty of foods that actually cook and bake by yourself. Wohh! Very well done! Can have your own catering business soon hur!!

  14. Jane, it all looks so yummy!
    How come never call me to finish up the leftovers?? haha. I would have headed straight for your salmon pies :)

  15. Great party food! It's nice to prepare the food yourself, they definitely taste better than the catering buffets. ;) Happy birthday to your kids!

  16. Jane, the homemade ones look more delicious than the bought ones! Your children are so lucky and I'm sure they must have had wonderful time. :))

  17. hey Jane,

    thats a mouth watering spread you have for the party. Not to get forget the effort and time spent into making these goodies. Good job!

    I wished I were there to help you clear the food, especially the salmon pies. Lots of 'liao' inside them, yummy ~

  18. Hi everyone,
    Thank you very much for your compliments. :) I wished you were here to help me finished up the food too!
    Thanks also for your well wishes! The children had a wonderful, and so do I!

  19. Thanks for sharing the salmon pies. Looks like a great treat for my coming xmas party. :)

  20. I'm impressed with your efficiency!! And your kids are very lucky to have such a lovely mummy ;-)
    For the salmon pies, I thought you had use filo pastry but didn't see this ingredient at all. Is this similar to shepherd pie?

  21. Thanks KWF. Hope you'll like it.

    Hi quizzine,
    Thanks! Anyone could have done the same with planning. :)
    For the salmon pies, I used the mashed potatoes for the top. You're right, it's similar to shepherd pie concept. A bit more special I felt.

  22. Wah Jane!

    You're a supermom man! Bet your kids were very happy that day. Haha I wish your pictures can be eaten! Those puffs look gorgeous btw.

  23. Thanks Sheryl! My kids only get this once a year! Haha...

  24. I'm impressed.
    design:) Found this here on passionbaker.blogspot.com [url=http://easyrvoutdoors.com]RV[/url]

  25. I'm impressed.
    design:) Found this here on passionbaker.blogspot.com [url=http://easyrvoutdoors.com]RV[/url]

  26. hey Jane,

    thats a mouth watering spread you have for the party. Not to get forget the effort and time spent into making these goodies. Good job!

    I wished I were there to help you clear the food, especially the salmon pies. Lots of 'liao' inside them, yummy ~

  27. Hi everyone,
    Thank you very much for your compliments. :) I wished you were here to help me finished up the food too!
    Thanks also for your well wishes! The children had a wonderful, and so do I!

  28. WOW! You are such a capable women! I know there are some foods not preparing by you but there are still plenty of foods that actually cook and bake by yourself. Wohh! Very well done! Can have your own catering business soon hur!!

  29. Wow such a nice buffet spread...I like home-cooked food.

    I can't imagine...you have baked 300 items!! It's such a tedious and tiring job, 佩服佩服。 U are a great mum and of course a great baker.


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